View Full Version : I can't believe this is a panic attack

02-07-14, 03:04
Is it truly possible to have a panic attack out of the blue for no reason? 3 months ago I suffered what has been deemed my first " panic attack" and my time since then has been miserable. Every time I go to a therapist or pdoc I'm asked over and over agsin what in my life was stressing me out so bad could of caused this. My answer every time is nothing! I was at the happiest point of my life looked forward to waking up every day and was not worrying about anything yet one day I'm just sitting there at my computer talking to my co workers and bam the room is spinning I'm disorientated and I have to run out to the bathroom to calm myself down. I've been to cardiologist, endocrine, and a neurologist. Only thing that has come back is a little high blood pressure. My neurologist suggested I might have suffered a seizure? I'm having a EEG conducted next week a long and a mri. Okay sory for the ramble but honestly has anyone with NO prior history of panic ever just straight up out of the blue had a panic attack? My life has been living hell since then bc I obsess over what exactly happened to me and I can't believe it was just a panic attack.

02-07-14, 08:12

Often there is an underlying reason but stimulants like caffeine and nicotine can cause them, as can the environment - fluorescent lighting alone can make people feel edgy.

I had my first panic attack because I'd been feeling a but under the weather and taken Anadin (a bit like your Advil) with caffeine in. I got to the station, it was busy and there was no train due for ages. Because I wasn't feeling well I just had this overwhelming need to get home as soon as possible but knew I was trapped there.

That's where my first one came from.

You can recover though. I no longer have them.

03-07-14, 15:06
Yes my first ever panic attack was 100% out of the blue. I was sitting in my biology class at college, just listening to music on my phone while doing my work and I wasn't stressed or anything, I was perfectly fine and happy in that moment and with life in general then boom! Suddenly the room started spinning, I couldn't catch my breath, I was having a hot flush, my vision went funny, I felt fainted and I literally ran out of the room. I felt better pretty much the second I got out of the room.

I refused to believe it was a panic attack for a while because it was so strong and came from nowhere. I was convinced I was drugged or had a brain tumour or something. Slowly after that one attack, I developed panic disorder and agoraphobia but I'm over the worst by far now thankfully.

05-07-14, 15:23
Mine came out of the blue. I was happy and enjoying college, then one night I suddenly couldn't breath, I felt my heart racing and I just wanted to get the hell out of there. The next day I felt really low and after a few days of that I went to the docs who told me I had anxiety and depression.

The biggest shock isn't the panic attack, it's the thought that you're now stuck like this. Don't worry, you'll learn about what a panic attack is and you'll learn how to control them over time. It doesn't have to impact your life, long term.

I wish you the best, and if you do every want to talk, you can always come on here. It's full of people who get exactly what you're going through.