View Full Version : Hey guys.

02-07-14, 03:19
Hey everyone, I'm a 19 year old boy from Scotland

Stumbled across this forum while trying to find ways to help my anxiety and I hope you guys will be able to help cause I'm feeling pretty useless these days.

Everyday I wake up knowing that I'll be feeling anxious and its not a nice feeling as im sure many of you will know. I'm fed up and just want some relief from it all and to feel normal again. I get myself so worked up about minor things and worry so much about what might happen in certain scenarios and can't get those thoughts out of my head.

The main problem I have is that lately I'm find out really hard to swallow, its not even food or water its just that I think about each swallow I take and its difficult because i get anxious that i might end up choking or throwing up because of this. I have no idea how to stop this and just hope that someone here can relate to me cause I'm so fed up with it. Its affecting my life hugely and I just dont want to leave my bed incase i end up having a panic attack in public because I can't swallow. Its so horrible.

Thanks for reading,


02-07-14, 13:41
Hey, David.

I completely understand the swallowing thing. I've had to deal with that off and on for years, mainly because my anxiety likes to jump around and decide what I should fear most and when.

I've had anxiety since I was your age. 27 now. You aren't alone.

I used to have episodes where I literally couldn't swallow, because I thought the nerves in my throat weren't responding. I also find it really hard to be in public for that and many other reasons

My big thing is I think my BP skyrockets when I'm not surrounded by incense, silence and fresh air.

I hope you find relief soon. You aren't going to choke or anything, though, and I would try drinking a little water when you feel that way, just to ease the sensation. Think of it like a cognitive exercise to get past the feeling of choking. Just sips even.

Best wishes.


02-07-14, 16:52
Hi David
:welcome: to the forum your amongst friends here