View Full Version : Weight Loss and Thinning Hair...Anxiety? Medicine?

02-07-14, 05:13
Hey everyone,
I was on Zoloft 50mg for 3-4 years. It did wonders for my anxiety. However, I had developed a tolerance to it, it was causing thyroid problems, and it was causing behavior changes (like starting fights with friends and thinking it was funny, for example). When I was on 50mg, I was very healthy looking. I'm 5'3 and I was 120-125. I was very happy with my weight. I needed to get tone and build some muscle but I was comfortable with that weight. I went down to 25mg July of last year. The withdrawals were terrible but I made it through and eventually came out on the other end. Sometime between July and December, I lost 8 pounds and went to 112. My hair also was not as thick as it was before. Around this time, I was eating 3 meals a day which included either pop tarts or eggos with a banana for breakfast, either a sandwich or pasta for lunch, and whatever I didn't have for lunch for dinner. I also had a peanut butter cookie daily for a snack. I was exercising, walking 30 mins a day (to and from school).

The following semester sometime between January-March, I was sleeping practically all day and only eating 2 meals most days. I went from 112 to 105-106. I looked very emaciated and my hair was very thin. Then from March-May I fluctuated from 105-109. For 3 weeks straight (starting the end of May into June) I made an effort to always eat 3 meals a day. I went to 110. But never went any higher. I was sometimes 112-113 at the end of the day but I count the weigh-in when I wake up the next day. Anyway, I got a refill on my medication because I ran out. I noticed something was not right with this refill even though it looked like my medicine. I was not feeling the same. Went from 110 back to 105. Turns out I was right. I got another refill and I've been fine. Back to normal and calm. But I have not gained the weight back and my hair looks awful. I look anorexic. I want to color treat it SO BAD (I've been wanting to go blonde for months) but I'm scared to since it's thinning so much. It's not falling out, just overall thinner.

I have low iron which could be the cause of the hair thinning but I've noticed all the weight loss/hair thinning has gotten increasingly worse ever since I went down on the medication. I don't want to go back up and I don't want to try another medication. Why is this happening to me? I don't get it. I don't understand why I should have to have 50mg just to have my normal hair thickness and weight? :(

Thank you!

02-07-14, 07:10
Hi, as you say,the low iron is likely causing the hair thinning. It could also be responsible for your weight loss? I'd see your doc, good luck! xx

02-07-14, 09:03
In my opinion it's highly unlikely that the Zoloft would cause these problems. I would suggest going back to the docs and getting a full blood count done along with a thyroid test. SSRIs can cause blood count discrepancies (I know from personal experience) which are rarely reported on the list of side effects.

I hope you get yourself sorted out without having to up your dose. Good luck!

30-07-14, 05:59
Hey guys! I brought this thread back cause I am still very stressed. I found out the 8-10 pounds I lost (from 120 to 112,110) was in the first month (July-August) of going down from 50mg to 25mg. So I was around 110-112 in August. I lost 8-10 pounds the month I went down. So my doctor had me go back up to 50mg. I've been on it for 9 days now and although I haven't lost any more weight, I haven't gained any either. I'm at 102.5 and look very unhealthy. The weight isn't coming back! So what is the problem? Doctors can't figure out why I can't gain weight. I am eating 3 meals a day. I am not as carefree as I used to be about food so I don't stuff my face but I should be eating enough to at least be 106/107. My thyroid has been checked recently and it's normal. I just don't understand what is causing this and it is majorly stressing me out!! I thought if I went back up to the 50mg I would gain the weight back but it hasn't happened. Is it possible I have a parasite infection or something? What would you do? I've been to 2 different doctors and they can't figure it out.