View Full Version : Can someone help me calm down pls??

02-07-14, 07:25
Can someone help calm me down pls, I live in a hot climate and yesterday I suffered a bad headache that started in my neck and radiated into the sides of my head above the ears, it was uncomfortable I had to take paracetamol and go to bed but while I was having the headache I was working myself up thinking it was an anuerism ( like we do )
Anyway woke up this morning headache gone but all of a sudden my right arm felt strange and so did the right side of my face I immediately looked at my face nothing drooping and I can feel my arm when I touch it, but that was it I convinced my self I'm having a stroke, I'm walking around the garden now trying to calm my self down, I'm 37 and I do smoke but exsercise regularly, what's happening guys is this anxiety symptoms from me working my self up from the headaches???
Would appreciate some calming advise
Thank you!

02-07-14, 09:43
You probably need to go back and look at what caused the headache, aside from the heat. It may also be a cause of the anxiety.

02-07-14, 17:15
Thank you Hanshan! Much appreciated..

02-07-14, 18:04
Hi Earthmum, I get things like this quite often. I think it's related to anxiety. I have been having physiotherapy on my neck and back which helps as it relaxes my muscles. Sometimes with these headaches I can rub hard on my neck with a couple of fingers and actually pinpoint the tense area that's causing the pain in my head if that makes sense.

03-07-14, 02:33
Kirbear4 thank you!
My husband gave my neck and shoulders a massage and it really did help, I was so knotted up that I really do feel that was the cause of the headaches ...
Thanks again for your reply :))

03-07-14, 08:36
You're welcome :) glad your husband helped!