View Full Version : vision issues, brain tumor?

02-07-14, 08:22
Hi guys iv been having vision concerns. I have had a full thorough eye test about 2 months ago with an optometrist and it came back with no problems and very healthy eyes with a very mild astigmatism. Iv noticed at night things like traffic lights sometimes have a ghosting effect below them when I'm feeling tired, Its most noticeable when covering one eye. It almost balances when looking with both eyes. Its only noticed on bright lights on dark backgrounds, not objects or writing. From what I understand this is quite serious and im worried my recent CT scan has missed a brain tumor as they often do im told. Any advice would be appreciated. My other symptoms have gotten better but still slightly present. These were a weak feeling wrist that slightly tremors when held in certain positions, a twitching eye, and slight buzzing ears at night when its quiet. Any advice would be great.I don’t know how much more of brain tumor stress i can take and doctors are unhelpful and don't seem take it seriously. thanks.

02-07-14, 09:34
I've been seeing halos around street lights at night for longer than I can remember - it can be a sign of eye problems like glaucoma, but you said your eyes checked out fine. For me, its not a sign of anything serious. Likewise tinnitus - ringing, whistling, crickets chirping, birds singing in the distance - they're all part of my personal sound experience, but also not a sign of anything serious.

02-07-14, 10:00
Have you done the "pinhole test"? If you pass it's definitely not a brain tumour. :)

02-07-14, 10:05
This is like a ghosted image of the light just below to the left for the left eye and visa versa. Everthing says could be a tumor

---------- Post added at 10:05 ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 ----------

I dont know would the optician have done this?

02-07-14, 10:10
I dont know would the optician have done this?

I don't know, they may or may not have done depending if they were worried I suppose. When the ghosting happens make your finger into the smallest conceivable hole and look through it. Try making it even smaller when you look through it so it's as small as you can see the offending light through. If the double vision goes it's definitely not a brain tumour.

But if it doesn't it doesn't mean you have one, it'd still be pretty unlikely. ;)

02-07-14, 10:47
What do you mean by make your finger a hole?

02-07-14, 12:10
If you've had medical tests and the doctors are unhelpful and don't seem to be taking it seriously, then it's most likely health anxiety. You are not alone - a quick check of NMP posts for the past few hours will reveal many people who are afraid they have signs of some life-threatening disease.