View Full Version : Has anyone been diagnosed with anxiety by a doctor?

02-07-14, 10:50
I was just wondering who here has been diagnosed with anxiety by a doctor... I had a UTI six weeks ago that I became obsessed with as I didn’t think it was clearing up.
Through my new ‘checking’ habits I have found a swollen node under my arm and a lump of bone on my hip (same side as original stomach pains so quite worried although it’s quite big and boney and I’ve had no pain there – I reckon something like this would be quite painful and take a while to grow??)
I have ‘had’ leukemia, bowel cancer, ovarian cancer, stomach cancer, ear cancer, mouth cancer, an ovarian cyst, stomach ulcer, IBS, ulcerative colitis and now bone cancer and lymphoma in the space of a month.

I have had three blood tests: one high WBC and CRP with urine infection, one fine, one high WBC and CRP (not sure why) examinations from four doctors and an HIV test (negative).

My stomach pains eased off whilst I was at home with my family over the weekend and my BM’s have returned to normal.

I think I have health anxiety but my doc is sending me for another blood test and two scans – one on lower abdo and one on this swollen gland – I’m terrified they will find something.

Did any of you go through these tests before being diagnosed with anxiety??

I can’t admit to my family how out of control this has got – it’s all I can think about and could really use some advice about the next steps...

Thanks x

02-07-14, 10:58
Yes actually, before getting diagnosed with anxiety/panic disorder. I have had my heart, lungs, stomach, blood pressure checked and had a couple blood tests. And when they didn't find a problem (many times, that is) one cardiologist sent me to a psychiatrist. Then I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder. Got medication for around 6 months then got better. Then got medicine again after 2 years because it sort of got worse. But now I am a lot better I guess, when compared to before.

02-07-14, 11:20
I haven't been on this site for a while but saw this post and thought I would comment...

I have 2 doctors as my surgery that I see.... The initial doctor I saw diagnosed me with anxiety from the start... I then seeked a second opinion from the other doctor who lets say was a bit more 'old school'

I had MRI's, ECG's, I saw cardiologists, neurosurgeons and 3 ENT doctors... I had abnormalities in my results but all benign which means nothing physically is wrong with me. When talking to my therapist about the doctor who is always trying to find out what is physically wrong with me she said the old style of doctoring is to find a physical cause or what is wrong where as my other doctor understands that anxiety can cause physical symptoms...

Not sure if this helps but both doctors still stick by there views which has actually hindered me in improving my anxiety.

Hope this helps...

02-07-14, 12:05
I haven't been on this site for a while but saw this post and thought I would comment...

I have 2 doctors as my surgery that I see.... The initial doctor I saw diagnosed me with anxiety from the start... I then seeked a second opinion from the other doctor who lets say was a bit more 'old school'

I had MRI's, ECG's, I saw cardiologists, neurosurgeons and 3 ENT doctors... I had abnormalities in my results but all benign which means nothing physically is wrong with me. When talking to my therapist about the doctor who is always trying to find out what is physically wrong with me she said the old style of doctoring is to find a physical cause or what is wrong where as my other doctor understands that anxiety can cause physical symptoms...

Not sure if this helps but both doctors still stick by there views which has actually hindered me in improving my anxiety.

Hope this helps...

Thanks so much for your posts.

I think my doctors have a similar approach to you, they are both fairly old and neither have looked up when I spoke about stress/anxiety – just keep ordering more tests and ask why I went to hospitals and walk-ins.
I’ve found a lumpy bone on my hip which is now very sore but I don’t know if it’s from poking and prodding all night/morning as it wasn’t an issue before.

I am currently trying to get sessions sorted with a private therapist because they won’t refer me any time soon.
Have you got any tips to help control my worries until I can get my tests results and some sort of diagnosis??

Thanks xox

02-07-14, 12:20

Some tips, well I go to integrative therapy which isn't that commonly heard of by anxiety suffer's as its actually a type of therapy used for people with eating disorders however the mental health nurse thought it would be something that would work...

The thing that works for me is writing stuff down, normally this anxiety has come from something in the past/ childhood that you don't even realise! Mine I thought stemmed from being a hypochondriac when I was younger infact it comes from control and low self esteem - something I don't think you would necessarily link to health anxiety.

By writing stuff down I mean keeping a diary each day and taking time out for yourself to write how you feel - not only about health but other aspects of your life.

Just bringing stuff to the surface can make a huge difference in how you feel.. I hope this helps xx

02-07-14, 13:43
My doctor told me I had anxiety. He gave me a full physical, blood work and EKG. Then had a long talk with me about anxiety and panic and all it's physical effects. Asked me if I wanted to try antidepressants which I did at the time. He was very understanding.

03-07-14, 15:15
Yes I have been officially diagnosed with panic disorder and agoraphobia. I'm not cured but I'm about 90% back to the old normal, panic free me now :)

03-07-14, 15:19
I am definitely over-concerned about my health (read: spend 50 mints every hour thinking about it) but until I've been through scans and more bloods I'll be nowhere near diagnosis.

I feel asif admitting it's anxiety now would tempt fate.

I had all clear bloods a few weeks back and wish I'd just left it but I went back to my GP and now I've got two scans and more bloods booked - it's all such a mess :(