View Full Version : Scared of contracting HIV AIDS :-(

02-07-14, 11:51
So i work at a law firm and there are 2 new intern girls one of them sits with me and the other with another worker. So anyways this girl knows alot about hiv aids and she told me her bf has it. Now this made me put my guard up as i have been through so much alone with my health issues and now i have another thing to worry about. SO this girl keeps talking to me and everytime she does she spits in my eye like i feel it everytime her spit splashing into my eyes and now im worried what if i get HIV from her spit since everyday she talks to me and i cant just ignore her. I am scared this is the last thing i need and to worry about. Do you think i could have contracted the virus if she spat so many times without her doing it intentionally its just the way she talks like she doesnt close her mouth entirely. Shes going to be here for another 25 days :(((

02-07-14, 16:50
HIV can't be passed through saliva so you'll be fine and she might not even have it anyway! :)

02-07-14, 20:39
Adadch is right, HIV can not pass through saliva, no way no how:) She may well not have it herself too

02-07-14, 23:12
What they said ^^^^^ Although you may want to wear goggles and keep a towel handy from the sound of things :D