View Full Version : Taken double dose!

02-07-14, 12:18
I think I've taken 2 x 20mg instead of 1. I'm just not sure, I couldn't remember if I'd just taken it or not, so I took one and then thought I might have already taken it. I'm feeling weird but that might be anxiety. Panicking! Will I be OK if I have do you think?

Catherine S
02-07-14, 14:50
Taken a double dose of what jilly?

02-07-14, 15:49
Don't worry about it Jilly, 40mg is still a very safe dose, you might even be able to figure it out if its bothering you by counting out how many tablets are left/used.

02-07-14, 22:23
Taken a double dose of what jilly?

Citalopram IBS lol xx

like Mark said 40mg is a normal dose dont worry xx

Catherine S
03-07-14, 00:00
Thanks Mrs. Stressed, I'm having trouble finding relevant info tonight lol! Sorry Jilly x

03-07-14, 07:34
Thanks for your replies everyone ...I survived! Going to buy a day pill box today so I don't do that again. X

03-07-14, 11:19
I forget sometimes if I took it or not, at those times I don't bother to take anything andnwait for the next day. Cit causes forgetfulness so a pill box is a great thing to get.