View Full Version : help got to bury 5month old grandson tomorrow

02-07-14, 13:31
i really am struggling today i feel sick shaky how am i going to do this tomorrow they cremating him then friiday burying the little mans ashes so that two days i suffer agraphobia so its going to be twice as hard cant stay home alone i have to have my hubby home he going of course and i dont want to let my son down either as he suffering so much it makes me feel pathectic i lost count how many times i have nearly gone in to a full blown panic today but managed to just ave the anxiety attack that leads to the panic but every time i think of tomorrow i want to be sick its times like this i hate myself for being this way makes you feel a waste space i am angry at my self now any words of wisdom please thankyou xxxx

02-07-14, 14:47
Trish you are not a waste of space at all so don't beat yourself up over this. Anxiety is an illness and something like this will certainly make the anxiety worse. If you can't get there I am sure they will understand and know that your thoughts will be with them. You say you can't stay home alone. If you don't manage to get there then busy yourself with something to help you to stay focused. You can get through this, you have gone through so much before so you are stronger than you think. (that is what my daughter keeps telling me). Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

02-07-14, 16:16
Sorry to hear your grandson died at a very young age poor little thing

02-07-14, 16:20
to be honest staying home alone would be harder than me gettin incar and going i would just curl up in a corner if i was home cant do that even if my hubby goes to shop i sit on my bed and dont move till he come back crazy the day my grandson died and we got the phone call i got in the car didt even think abourt it i just wanted to get to them and i did i always think its the aftermath that worse when it all over u have had to hold your self together and he been gone five weeks on friday its really dragged on cus he had to ha postmortum and my son agrred for them to take samples off his organs into reserch cot death and they take longer had my son known this he says he wouldnt done it xxx

02-07-14, 16:30
Trish, you are definitely not a waste of space. :hugs: You have to speak more gently to yourself. Tell yourself the same things you would say to a loved one or close friend if they were to tell you that they struggle with anx/pan/ agoraphobia. You wouldn't tell them that you hate them or that they are a waste of space. You would encourage them and speak gentle, loving words. This is the beginning of learning to love yourself like you love others. Try to go to the funeral and tell yourself that nothing has ever happened before, so nothing bad is going to happen today. Tell yourself that you and your loved ones are going to be getting together to celebrate the time that you did have with this precious little boy. I am so very sorry for your loss. Remember, if you decide in the end that you just can't go, that's okay, too. It is not the end of the world. The people who love you will understand. I will be thinking of you.


02-07-14, 16:32
Aww Trish, I can't begin to imagine how awful this must be for your family. Like you say though we tend to cope at the time then it all suddenly hits :( I think you are right in it being worse for you to stay home on your own, neither option is a nice one but you will want to be there. I will be thinking about you tomorrow :hugs::hugs::hugs:

02-07-14, 18:48
thank you for your support its not just to morrow friday all fis cusons 2 brothersand sister are going to let white ballons go after the ashes are buried and they all have a sigle white rose to i t5hink that will be a fitting send of for a beautifull littlew boy xxxx

02-07-14, 18:54
That does sound like a nice send off for him Trish. Sending you lots of love and hugs

02-07-14, 18:58
Trish, Just wanted to send you some hugs:hugs::hugs::hugs:xxx

02-07-14, 19:07
Trish it is amazing what you can do when you have to do them...

Stay strong...


02-07-14, 19:31
Thinking of you and all the family tomorrow Trish :hugs: Stay strong

Daisy Sue
03-07-14, 00:21
I'm so sorry to hear of this very sad news, Trish. Thinking of you. ((hugs)) x

03-07-14, 01:37
So sorry to hear that, how awful the world can be sometimes :(

I had a similar thing a couple of years ago - I had to do a reading at my uncle's funeral and while I wanted to do it so badly, I was filled with dread and anxiety... Anyway, cut to the good part, I did it and I am so pleased I did... It meant a lot to me and my family and for that reason, I was able to put my stresses aside somehow and focus on that day. If I can do it, so can you... I hope it goes well (or as well as such a sad day can)... Will cross my fingers for you xx

03-07-14, 08:54
thankyou to all of you your support me so much were would i be wiyjoutthis place bless xxxxxx

03-07-14, 13:54
Thinking of you today Trish :hugs::hugs::hugs:

03-07-14, 14:58
Thinking of you and your family today :hugs:

03-07-14, 15:35
well i made it and a real big thanks to all you guys for the support i needed to just the burying of his ashes tomorrow i hopeing this is going to be more of a little farwell celabration all is l brothers sister and cusons are take a wjite rose each and letting white balloons go i think it sounds fitting some how xxxxx

03-07-14, 15:49
Aw we hun sounds lovely was thinking of u

03-07-14, 16:14
Trish so sorry to hear about your grandson I always say they are with the angels ,god bless him and all of your family and you trish ,your in my prayers take care stay strong xxxx :hugs:

03-07-14, 17:19
Well done Trish on getting there, I know it must have been very hard for you so this shows just how strong you can be. xx

03-07-14, 18:49
Yes I echo what Annie has said. You've done so well today, hope you're ok xx

03-07-14, 20:31
Want to wish you well for tomorrow so sorry to hear of your loss xxx

05-07-14, 14:15
Thank you once again xxxx