View Full Version : PROPRANOLOL scam - some inferior meds, opinions

02-07-14, 14:19
Hi there. I am looking for opinions of people who were taking INDERAL LA but who had to switch to some other medication since INDERAL LA is no longer sold here in the UK.

I was taking INDERAL LA for 3 years, it truly worked for me very well, I slowly started feeling cured from my constant anxieties and worries which I acquired as a PTSD patient, but then I switched for other meds for the above reason of drug discontinuation.

I found the other meds not equivalent (although on the same dose), so I digged deeper (follow the money), and I researched that there can be noticeable difference in the drug quality of apparently equivalent drugs.

On one side, there was this INDERAL LA by AstraZeneca, working truly for the whole day, and was noticeable even if I took just one 160mg pill in the morning, and then there was the BEDRANOL SR by Sandoz, whom I felt working perhaps for 3-5 hours in my system, and my anxietes and worries started returning and kicking back in unfortunately.

I read several Wikipedia articles, several clever books and production prospectus of pharmaceutical companies which are available on the internet, and inevitably there is evidence that the BEDRANOL SR is far from equivalent not only in practice (each person can have different experience with this) but also in law because the production technology of this other drug is from the 50s.

Inderal LA used the most modern production technologies, using nanotechnology and layering, whereby Bedranol SR is not relaying on anything such.

Although the national regulator, the MHRA, approved Bedranol SR as apparently equivalent (they can only rely on what is laid to them in the process of authorization), Bedranol cannot be equivalent, it cannot have the same therapeutic effect, and I find this to be a SCAM on the UK patients.

My personal explanation for this is that the CEOs of these Big Pharma businesses (there are perhaps 15 of them in the UK) make their own deals behind the curtains. Let's suggest that Sandoz has momentarily a surplus stock of their Bedranol SR, so they need to sell it... However, over the years the GPs stopped prescribing the Bedranol SR for the very simple reason that it does not work (it cannot work so no wonder). Sandoz then accrued a large stock of unsold medicines, so they made a shady deal with AstraZeneca that AstraZeneca would stop selling their drug (for a year or two) and Sandoz would sell the leftover stock. Makes sense, doesnt' it!? :D In return, Sandoz would perhaps momentarily drop production of another drug in their portfolio where AstraZeneca is not selling well. Deal done, day over, simple as. The UK patient will never notice this as this is a massive taboo.

Read more at: www.casescomplaints.com (http://www.casescomplaints.com)

I would be very interesting in your thoughts and experiences. :shades:

08-07-14, 13:48
Two more links on the topic:

http://aapsblog.aaps.org/2012/11/14/emerging-trends-in-coating-technology/ (more elaborate details about modified release of drugs)

http://casescomplaints.com/2014/07/02/propranolol-scam/ (UK propranolol scam)

Catherine S
08-07-14, 13:55
I think alot of us who take this med are aware of this but what is the answer? If some of us can no longer be prescribed Inderal there's not much we can do. I've also been changed over but fortunately so far have been fine on the generic pills I now take, but then it could depend on dosage..i'm on 40mgs of the generic but my doctor wanted me to reduce the dose anyway eventually. I don't think everybody reacts badly to the generics be honest. I was on 80mg Inderal and had awful side effects with it...go figure :shrug: But I can understand how it must make others angry who had been fine on Inderal and are struggling with the generic pills.


08-07-14, 14:11
Hi.... You are probably right when you say that some patients find the generics good or OK.... And I hope it is the case for the most people.... I reckon it goes down how severe your original symptoms were. If it was some situational anxiety from stage performance or seeing a dentist, then I suppose 1x40mg propranolol would be sufficient. If you however went through bullying for years, which you could not escape for whatever reasons, then perhaps 40mg of tablet-propranolol would not suffice and you might need a quality whole-day preparation.

I had great response to INDERAL 160mg/day. Now that I can compare with the inferior meds, I can say that I actually felt the INDERAL working in my body... I had slightly numb tips of my fingers (both hands and feet), they felt slightly cold since the heart beat goes really down (nope I was not silently dying though! :roflmao:), and I also noticed a certain "kick" in my brain after he 1-hour period or so.... It was very reaussring that you have this protection in your body against the anxieties and worries. But on all the other meds, although I would even take more than the allowed dose (320mg), nothing such is noticeable as previously.

As an anxiety patient, probably with PTSD, I do not respond to the conventional propranolol and I am now forced to start ordering it online from abroad. Costs me extra £40 a month.

Catherine S
08-07-14, 14:34
Well I started off some years ago on 80mg Inderal LA slow release capsules for raised BP, heart flutters and migraines brought on by various traumas and dramas that make up life sometimes...domestic violence and divorce etc. Some people can cope with whatever life throws at them and some need more help I guess. I think our body reacts the same way whatever the reason for the physical symptoms. Panic attacks feel the same whether brought on by a sore finger or being bullied, there is no measure really. But I also drank too much then too, so that probably interfered with the effects of the Inderal to be honest. It certainly gave me bigger hangovers!


08-07-14, 14:38
Hopefully you are fine by now! :) The problem with going through traumas is that they close the door for you, literally. You can feel intimidated around people, so you stop dealing with others. You then rather stay home, without sunshine, so you then develop a depression from lack of contact and interaction with others... It can feel like a vicious circle for many and the drug can "break up" this circle, I suppose, and open the door for you again, so you could invite other people in.

I'm hoping that whatever I get from abroad will be a quality product. Please, or I'm screwed!!! :blush:

Catherine S
08-07-14, 14:49
I hope so too for you. I know ive been lucky with the change over, but that alot of people must feel abandonded and well...screwed over yes :unsure: