View Full Version : Well I'm back

02-07-14, 17:01
Over a week ago my dental bridge broke and at the dentist I found out I needed teeth out and I hate the dentist so my anxiety shot through the roof ..... Going back 12mths I had lots of tests for bowel issues but didn't have colonoscopy ...... In April this year in regular bloods my iron count came back low and I was put on iron supplements ........ So I started to panic it was stomach cancer again now since all this teeth anxiety my old colon cancer fears are back I've had flat poop and constipation and diarrhea I'm just in a blind panic and to top it off I called in the docs for my prescription and she handed me a blood form and said doctor wants to check your iron again ...... Could all this be anxiety because of the teeth I don't know I can't sleep with worry :(