View Full Version : Holidays!

02-07-14, 17:25
Hey everyone, I've seen some posts about holidays on here before, but was wondering if anyone had some advice for those with GAD + OCD? Basically I'm very happy and my anxiety is pretty good in my current work routine, but I have a holiday coming up at the end of the month and I'm worried breaking this routine and not being as occupied is going to set my anxiety off big time. I also really get scared by change from routine and different things (isn't ocd fun), so right now I feel more daunted than excited. I see a lot of people say that they're fine once they get there, so I'm hoping it'll be the same for me! I'm just afraid I'm not going to be able to enjoy it because I'll just be an anxious mess the whole time. That or those horrible physical anxiety symptoms I had before my job will return :/ anyone have any good holiday experiences to share? Especially those with ocd. Thanks!

03-07-14, 12:59
Whenever i go abroad there are some things i need to have to feel comfortable and to have my routine so in the first few days ill get those things sorted. Then from there i know i can start to concentrate on checking out the area and deciding where i like to be.

In the 2nd half of the holiday ill then know the place i want to crash on a sunbed on the best bit of the beach right by the best food/drinks/entertainment/people watching.

Make a little list of the things youll need to feel comfortable and in your routine.

I have to have a cup of tea when i wake up so i make sure i have kettle, mug, tea bags, milk, fresh water, local shop for these things.

I HAVE to have power and internet for my phone/laptop so establish if accommodation has wifi or if youre going to buy a package from your network provider. Three.uk had a thing where you could pay a fiver a day and have internet all day on your phone. So i was checking twitter on the beach and that which was good.

I also needed the internet access for my podcasts and spotify, id be lost without these things.

A local shop that sells the foods youre gonna want to be eating is a must too.

And obviously anything else you specifically need to feel comfortable and in a similar routine.
Try to establish as much as possible beforehand using things like tripadvisor then do the rest when you first arrive.

Once you have everything in place you can just enjoy the change of scenery/new environment, which is always a massive buzz :]

I usually walk all over at first and see where the best bits are.
Like there`ll be a grotty end to the beach and a nice end were going into the water is better. There`ll be places you eat where youll think "bleh" and others where youll be like "hmmm, way better here".

I then usually just think "all i want to do now is chill out in this area, everthings here.

Obviously i dont know what things youll need to feel comfortable, have your routine and feel in control of your ocd but preparation beforehand and on those first days is everything.
What do you need ?
Go to work knowing where youre going to get those things.
Tripadvisor is invaluable for discovering tips from experienced travellers who`ve been there before.
You can pretty much be prepared for everything after reading tripadvisor for your accommodation and resort.

You could write down your little ocd routine now and then itll show you how to recreate those needs when youre there. So with good preparation your routine will be there waiting for you.

(Oh great, I've reread my post too many times and now feel I've painted myself as this boring git who drinks tea and sits in the same place on the beach everyday :/
Change it.
It's too late leave it.
Wanna change it.
Leave it.
Edit: I'm not a boring git who drinks tea and sits in same place on the beach all day :(
Now you just look weird.
I know :(

03-07-14, 18:56
Haha that's not a weird post at all! :hugs: it was a great one. Thank you so much! I'm going to jot down my day to day routine after dinner and plan my trip a bit more :) thankfully I'm not leaving the country but it will be excellent practice! One thing us ocd people are good at is being organised and making lists :p thanks for the great advice, I didn't even think about doing any of that!

03-07-14, 19:46
Lists. Now you're talking my language.

With lists and thorough preparation you can recreate here there :)

Even if it's in the uk, still use tripadvisor to save time on that learning curve when you get there.

03-07-14, 19:59
Haha Oosh, that was an amazing end to the post... Really made me laugh (in a very good way!) :)

For me, the worst thing about holidays is the feeling of going somewhere unknown and also the actual 'getting there' element. I try to always do a lot of research on where i'll be staying and the local area - places to visit, where to eat etc., so when I arrive it doesn't feel quite so alien.

Once i've been there for a day or so though, i'm usually settled and get on just fine.

Hope you get on ok and have a great time! :D

04-07-14, 09:35
Thanks guys :) I feel better about it now. Have some thorough preparation to do! I think getting there and seeing how I am will be the hardest part too-- I'm hoping I'll settle quickly!