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02-07-14, 17:41
Is it just me or does anyone eat some takeout or junk food and have thoughts like "oh no, that could have increased my risk of heart disease or stroke". Almost like a guilty feeling of eating "bad" food and then the need to eat clean for a day or so to try and "compensate" lol. Sounds silly I know.

02-07-14, 17:44
Yes! I do this all the time it's ridiculous :roflmao:

02-07-14, 17:47
Yes but only after I have enjoyed eating it lol

Female healthanxiety
02-07-14, 18:09
Me me me!!!! But it's weird sometimes junk food gets rid of my ha!!

02-07-14, 19:08
Everything in moderation.

Eating unhealthy foods, lifestyle (former smoker/drinker) and heredity are what caused my health issues. Now? I eat right and my bloods are great. Will it stop me from being eaten by an escaped tiger?... no but I'll take my chances.

Sometimes you have to indulge in a "guilty pleasure". It's Ok to have a take out or such foods but just don't make a habit of it and you won't feel guilty ;) I know for a fact you can eat healthy for much less than processed and fast foods.

Positive thoughts

02-07-14, 20:45
I love junk food

03-07-14, 00:20
I love it too!

03-07-14, 02:09
God, too many times to mention... It tastes so bloody good at the time though :whistles:

03-07-14, 02:34
Being a vegetarian for 6 years and cutting sodas for 8, my junk food is usually all natural, organic cookies, pita chips and authentic hummus, greek pizza with olive oil, chia popcorn or sushi. I'm ridiculous, but I've been a health nut since I was 19 because my anxiety drove me away from all fast food, anything with partially hydrogenated oils, aspartame and bottled drinks.

I don't judge, though! I don't care if you enjoy a fat steak or chicken sandwich at McDonald's.
No politics in my diet.

I'm just crazy obsessed with my health. Haha. I do still get feel goods from all the above though and it's much more guilt free personally.

Catherine S
03-07-14, 02:56
Chip butties are my thing if I need comfort...followed by cheesecake!


03-07-14, 03:10
Cigs and junk food it's a wonder I have HA!

03-07-14, 23:56
My fear is usually 'What if I've just been given food poisoning' (if it's a take out), but if I feel fine the next morning then nae fear!