View Full Version : Listing my fears and phobias to get better?

02-07-14, 23:13
Hi all, as the title implies I am hoping that a first step in getting 'better' would be to recognise in myself what 'phobias' I have. I don't even know if such phobias exist, but in my mind they are real. I would love to hear from anyone who has or has had similar fears and how they manage them now.
Currently I am off work on sick leave as I am Only just managing to live a daily life with my Kids, and not break down at every moment. I need to be kept constantly busy to keep my mind from thinking. I feel putting these down on paper will make me think about them and hopefully start the process of ridding myself of these horrible what if's. Like I said, I'd love to hear from anyone with similar thinking.

Here goes:
Heights (literally can't enter a building with more than 1 floor, but my house is 'safe')
Being sick/feeling sick
The world falling out of orbit
Great Britain getting too over populated and sinking
Buildings being not made good enough and falling down
Gravity failing
Weekends (when there is no gp open!)
Being alone for long periods of time.

I think that's about me. If I have any free time during the day, these are the ideas that occupy me and terrify me. No wonder I'm a bit crazy!! How can I face my fear or losing gravity?!?

I look forward to someone giving me some hope that these thought may not always be there for me?

Sorry for the long post but I felt it all needed to be said.
Pam xx

03-07-14, 23:08
You need to tackle each issue one at a time rather than all at once. Start with your biggest fear first.