View Full Version : Pulsation in my vision.

03-07-14, 00:12
I feel like i'm going to snap I'm so anxious, and frustrated. My parents don't taker serious, and nobody else either. I can literally see pulsation in my vision any time I exert myself even slightly. Climbing stairs, standing too quickly, or even light exercise. The most devastating thing is I'm only seventeen, and in pretty good shape. I can't function anymore because I fear having a stroke. Everything I have read says I have dangerously high blood pressure, or reactive blood pressure. I cry every single day due to the stress this has given me. My parents just tell me to "get over it", and " oh you're dying" like they are mocking me. I honestly just want to have a stroke at this point. I can't take it anymore.... I can see a little dark spot pulsate with moderate increase in my heart rate, and my vision gets full of them when my heart beats hard. This is obviously not normal. It's obviously my blood pressure, but my parents just laugh it off like it's nothing. I feel so much terror, and even rage at the fact that I'm only 17, and already have something seriously wrong with my Blood pressure when I don't even smoke cigarettes like my mom, who doesn't even have this problem. I can't handle it anymore.

03-07-14, 00:22
I'm 17 too and I get this all the time too. Sometimes its so bad that I have to stop and just stand still for a minute. I get what your saying about your parents, my family are like that to me, too. Have you gone to the doctor about it? You're so certain it's something to do with your blood pressure but it really might only be something minor. The more you stress yourself out about it, the worse it will be.

03-07-14, 00:30
Do you actually have hight blood pressure, and if so what was it as last reading? Have you had your eyes evaluated by an ophthalmologist?

03-07-14, 00:43
I have pre hypertension. My pressure is usually around 135/90. I am going to the doctor tomorrow. I notice it most when I climb stairs, so it means my pressure gets too high with exertion.

03-07-14, 00:59
That sounds a bit like Pulse-Type Visual Snow to me. VS isn't at all understood but it's often an anxiety symptom and (in my experience) can get better. It certainly isn't dangerous or serious, more supremely annoying! I've got static VS.

I'm not a doctor, so don't take that as any kind of diagnosis, but possibly something to discuss with your ophthalmologist?

03-07-14, 01:04
I actually do have visual snow. I was worried because it worsens with more cardio stress.

03-07-14, 01:10
I actually do have visual snow. I was worried because it worsens with more cardio stress.

Doh! Looks like you can chill a wee bit then!

03-07-14, 01:51
I don't know if this is related, but if I strain my eyes by looking left or right I can see two clear circles.