View Full Version : Just feeling worry all the time

03-07-14, 00:45
I'm feeling worried lots right now. Im 25 and planning on moving out and it's big step worry how I will cope cooking or paying bills. Worried if I will be tired doing house work just feel worried in general not in my ideal job, I feel
I want to change a lot but it's not easy changing jobs right now. I worry eating bad food will affect my health I fear dying? I worry my ocd is really bad..

I'm not sleeping good again just worrying some nights I realise in your 20's there's such a pressure to settle yes you can settle older these days but I feel ancient already :blush:

03-07-14, 01:41
Hi there, I can relate to a lot of what you say... I'm a fair few years older than you, but have felt the pressure to conform to a certain set of standards for quite some time now... i.e. getting married, buying a house, having kids etc etc. That on top of your day to day worries can really get on top of you.

Try to break things down into smaller chunks if you can and analyse them separately, rather than worrying as a whole... It may make things seem more manageable that way :)

Hope you manage to sort everything out... Let us know how you're getting on.