View Full Version : any ideas?

15-12-06, 16:46
Ever since I started on my medication, my panic attacks have almost stopped. I still get them once in awhile, but they're a lot less intense which is really good. I'm having some other problems, but I believe they're side effects of the medication - I'm not sleeping as much, I'm tired, etc.
Another thing that may be a side effect of the medication is.. I feel like I'm now in a constant state of anxiousness. It's not a panic attack, but from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to bed (even after that!) I just feel this horrible feeling in my stomach, sometimes in my chest, headaches.. It's like I'm constatntly nervous and anxious. It never lets up and it's no fun to live like this. Does anyone have any suggestions?

PS: My supposed bladder infection seems to have disappeared. It only burned that one day and not anymore.. so I don't know, maybe it was just something weird that day.

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”


15-12-06, 21:24
Hi halwayhome.

**My supposed bladder infection seems to have disappeared. It only burned that one day and not anymore.. so I don't know, maybe it was just something weird that day.**

Medication can have many and some times quite obscure side effects including the symptoms of a urinary tract infections. It is always advisable to get these things checked out by your doctor but even if you do have an infection it can be easily treated. Drinking plenty of water is always advisable to maintain good, general health but even more so when the body is under stress.

It may of been a side effect of the medication, happy to hear its gone now.

Meds do give alot of side effect, one of many can be high anxiety for a while. How long have you been on the meds [?] If you have been on them for along time I would suggest going back to your GP and have a chat.

Halfway, its good to hear the meds have almost stopped your panic, thats great news.

The meds might have taken the edge of your panic, but not releaving all the symptoms of anxiety, do you know what I mean [?]

Are the symptoms still there when you are totally distracted [?]

After my first pa, I was nerous and anxious 24/7. Then I found this site, ohhh boy did it help to understand things more.

Hope this helps a little



16-12-06, 03:04
Hello, Halfway....i felt that same jittery uneasy feeling the whole time i was on Lithium. The doctor switched my meds and I am feeling so much more at ease. Were you referring to your bladder meds or anxiety meds? Anyway...if you were talking about anxiety meds, talk to your doctor as soon as possible. they may not be the right ones for you.
Good luck,


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