View Full Version : Anemia

03-07-14, 14:08
I'm convinced my anemia is because I have colon cancer , my anxiety is through the roof I'm googling my symptoms upto 4hrs a day I've now got flat stools I feel like I'm going insane :weep:

03-07-14, 16:49
Doctors can tell if your anemia is caused through cancer. Apparently there are different types and by analysing the blood sample they know if it is caused through iron deficiency or because you are bleeding internally. It's something to do with the red blood cells and their size. There is not only less of them but I believe they are smaller if its caused by internal bleeding.

I don't know what tests you have had but if they thought for one minute your anemia was due to bowel cancer you'd be having lots of tests

A friend of mine had the type of anemia caused by internal bleeding and they didn't just diagnose anemia they had her in hospital and she had lots of tests which revealed the lining of her stomach was bleeding. She is still fine now but they knew it wasn't just iron deficiency anemia.

Take care