View Full Version : help nauseous

03-07-14, 18:31
so ive been nauseous for a week noow and im panicing thinking what is causeing it i went hospital yesterday and had temp checked and blood pressure heart rate everything was fine but before seeing a doctor i left because i was panicing to much im not thinking all sorts a friend just told me i looked thin witch has panicked me even more now i feel very nauseous

i been suffering from heartburn stomach acid recently and was thinking culd that cause it not sure so just need some advise im thinking all sorts

03-07-14, 18:44
I suffer with acid reflux and that makes me feel nauseous. Have you taken anything for the stomach acid? If you have too much stomach acid, reducing it by taking an antacid might stop the nausea. I'd go and see your GP rather than go to hospital.

03-07-14, 18:44
thanks bernie

03-07-14, 18:46
You're welcome :)
I know how bad an acidy stomach can make you feel. Sometimes I feel so sick I can't eat.

03-07-14, 19:17
I 2nd stomach acid/reflux. Have you tried over the counter anti acid medications? I recommend Prilosec. It's a 14 day course and it helps heal it and it works wonders!

03-07-14, 19:24
I'm on omeprazole/Prilosec 20mg per day and this helps

03-07-14, 20:05
I too suffer with acid and take Omeprazole and Domperidone. About twice a month the nausea gets so bad it's unbearable. I've been like it for about 9 months now x