View Full Version : Im new, I have a swollen gland / lymph node, im scared :-(

03-07-14, 23:18
This site has been my lifeline for aaaages during bad spells :-) so ty for that! But I finally joined this evening!! :blush:

So to the point.

2 days ago, I woke with a sore neck, felt throbbing in my 'pulse area' left side of my neck. The pain radiated down a bit and into my ear just a bit... but mostly just in that spot, where my pulse is strong. So it got a bit worse yesterday, i controlled it with ibuprophen. Then this morning i couldnt turn my head easily. So i finally decided to go see the practice nurse. Who i have a lot of faith in BTW.

So she felt my neck and told me I have swollen glands, took blood and told me to come back in 3 weeks to check if the swelling was down. I have no other symptoms, no illness for it to be a symptom of.

This came out of no where, just arrived on tuesday morning.

So then I came home and checked Google :-(

Now Im scared :weep:

Incidentally, i did walk 3 miles with a shopping bag on my left shoulder on monday evening (the night before the pain started)... but who heard of neck strain causing swollen lymph nodes right? and my shoulder is fine... its just that one sore spot. I didnt mention this to the nurse as I had forgotten until tonight.

Any thoughts?

Thank you.

---------- Post added at 23:18 ---------- Previous post was at 22:37 ----------

How come everyone is talking about lymph nodes all of a sudden?? I hadn't read any of these, I hadn't considered lymph nodes til I saw my nurse this afternoon! Wow... It's a common thing huh?

03-07-14, 23:24
It was moles last month and now lymph nodes - I see trends all the time on here

We cannot diagnose any medical problems though so if a doctor has seen you and said you are ok then you have to trust you are ok

04-07-14, 07:48
I found my first lump a few months ago in my collar bone and i worried myself sick! I made the mistake of googling it and all sorts of nasty things came up. I had it checked, the doctor monitored it but was certain it was just a gland..., that went down but in the meantime i became obsessed with prodding and poking my neck to tge point where i'd make it sore and stpp believing the doctors. My blood test came back clear and it seems thag glands are more prominent in some people. I wouldn't worry too much, the best advice i vcan give is not to check it every minhte of every day as that inflames them and you will panic if they get worse.

All the best at the doctors xxxxx