View Full Version : Narrow carotid arteries

03-07-14, 22:48
Hi, I'm new here and need some advice please. I need to know if this is a symptom of my anxiety or I might have a real health concern.

10 years ago a chiropractor was doing some routine tests on me and found something that made her send me away without treatment.

When she turned my head 90 degrees to the left and held it there for 30 seconds, I started to see black and felt nauseated and on the verge of fainting. She repeated the test facing right with the exact same result.

She told me she thought I maybe had narrow carotid arteries since birth on both sides of my neck, and turning my head stopped the bloodflow to my brain, whereas in most people the flow would only be reduced. She said it was unusual but seemed really concerned, and said if I kept smoking I would likely have a stroke by the time I was 40. (I was 20 then.)

She told me to see a doctor. But after giving my own second hand description of her concerns, the doctor brushed it off. I didnt know what to think after that.

For some reason it has been bothering me recently and I wonder if there was something to it. It did actually motivate me to quit smoking, at least. I now have anxiety and PND which may be making me overthink this. I just Googled "congenital hypoplasia carotid artery" which I think is the best name for what she described, and it's really very rare, so in all probability....

I need a second opinion. Do I trust a chiropractor based on a direct test, or a GP based on my recounting of the story, or what? Is this just my anxiety making me worry about something that happened 10 years ago? :wacko:


03-07-14, 22:57
Smoking without narrowed carotid arteries could have increased the likelihood of a stroke, so well don you! You can have an ultrasound of your carotid arteries or a MRI/CT to see if they're narrowed. If you don't have pain in them or have other symptoms of ischaemia, I would really worry.