View Full Version : Driving Test - Been Nervous for months!

03-07-14, 23:47
AAhhh, I have got my driving test on Tuesday (first one) and I'm so nervous! I know that I am a good driver and capable of everything, but I feel like as soon as I'm stuck under exam conditions I will just forget everything! Also a new roundabout has JUST been put in and its soooo complicated. It is part of every test route so I will def have to do it! Only went round it for the first time today!

I'm so desperate, I have been doing hypnotherapy videos on youtube, even doing research on 'colour therapy' to find out what colours are best to wear on my driving test! (Green, white with a hint of red btw)...everyone thinks i'm some kind of crazy hippy (I probably am)

Anyone have any suggestions or advice about driving tests? I've got rescue remedy as well (which im pretty sure is just a mini bottle of whisky).
Is it as terrifying as I am imagining?

04-07-14, 01:38
Well, its no good being told to keep calm, because that isn't much of a help, but you've already said that you know you're a capable driver, so thats what you need to keep reminding yourself of - remember that you've done everything that you're going to do in the test so many times before and it was always fine, so why should the test be any different? :)

I was really nervous before my test but once I was in the car I found that I relaxed more and almost went into some kind of autopilot mode. Just keep breathing and focus and your body will take care of the rest!

Also, don't put a ridiculous amount of pressure on yourself - its not like you only get one chance to pass your test... Of course, it would be amazing to pass first time, but don't make yourself feel ill over it :)

Good luck though - i'm sure you'll be fine! Make sure you let us know how you get on...

30-08-14, 13:21
Oh yeah...forgot about this! I passed first time with no minors :D x