View Full Version : The Exception

04-07-14, 12:12
Does anyone find their HA worsens because they feel like they're going to be the exception? Or they've had something unusual happen to them which makes them feel like any statistics just won't apply? I've had a few health problems very recently back to back which have all been unusual for the norm and this has most definitely fed my anxiety- especially along with current media trends to focus on The Exception (the ONE person who missed cancer, meningitis etc). What really worries me is how so many illnesses have very simple symptoms. A rash can mean so many things. So why do we believe we'll be the exception? Is it a luck thing? I was a terrible pessimist until the last few years and would automatically predict the worse case scenario. Anyone else in the same boat?

04-07-14, 13:04
Yes completely know how you're feeling - I guess that's why we're all here with anxiety. I always, always expect the worse case scenario. Of course it doesn't help to google symptoms because that only makes it a million times worse - even if the list has 100s of different illnesses associated with it I always chose the worst one.

I feel like I have to expect the worst because I feel that if I get too relaxed I will be in for a shock.. it's horrible and I'm currently going through it now with symptoms that I have.

I'm going to try CBT for the first time (hopefully soon) and I also want to start yoga classes or meditation too because I know I can't go through life feeling like this all the time x

04-07-14, 13:09
Yep, I'll think about misdiagnoses, about how I'll be that exception people are talking about, etc etc. It's a horrible feeling, really.

04-07-14, 13:25
I think most of us on here can relate to that. :)

04-07-14, 15:01
yes, i think i am the exception in everything. I am currently the exception to the rule about my heart. I am 33, not overweight, dont smoke, drink very little, dont have high blood pressure, dont have high cholesterol, not diabetic and have a small amount of early family history of heart disease but to me I am on the verge of dropping dead daily. So much so I have put myself on asprin.

04-07-14, 15:08
I'm a news reporter so I'm constantly reading and writing about these 'exceptions' - and I know if it wasn't exceptional I wouldn't be writing about it but I can imagine headlines about me!!!

04-07-14, 21:40
Ahhh well THATS an insight! We can't all be the exception surely?! Going to have to convince myself I'm average. That makes me feel uncomfortable.

05-07-14, 02:39
Yes, I actually just posted something similar on another thread. My mom, who had HA, died out of nowhere of a rare cancer. She found out she had it and then was gone a month after. She was the exception and now I have this thing where, although I hear the statistics, I always think ... statistics say my mom should have lived and she's gone. So why should I believe them?

Panic emily
05-07-14, 02:52
Oh my I feel the same way, I never know when to go to the doctors or not anymore because these simple symptoms can mean nothin to some but a serious disease to others!! So true!

05-07-14, 09:49
Yes...the Internet can be a destructive place. We think we will be the Exception because we constantly read about those people because they are in the news and on the forums.

The many thousands (millions?) of people who visit their GP with symptoms, or who are sent for tests, and it turned out to be nothing are not going to be reported on. Most of these people are not going to post on forums about these experiences they're just going to go and get on with life and forget about it....can you see the headline 'I Went To The Doctor Today For A Blood Test And It Came Back Normal!!,...or the forum post 'Help! Had a Cold and it disappeared a week later!' It just doesn't happen. The MAJORITY of people will live to old age without suffering a deadly disease. Those who do suffer are unlucky and they have no choice but to deal with their situation, life is a lottery, but it's so destructive to go through life thinking we're going to be 'the one'. We might be, but what can you do?

Lin x