View Full Version : Holiday tomorrow, woohoo. Slight worry

04-07-14, 22:53
So I'm convinced that fate is trying to stop me going on holiday.
My tooth abscess has now reduced and has been drained and popped just a bit of swelling on my face left.
I've developed a cold that I keep thinking is pneumonia, but keep getting checked out and it's not.
Scared I'm gonna get a systemic infection, yet 3-4 doctors and dentists said nothing will happen if I do mnot take antibiotics, because the infection has now been drained so is gone.

Tonight I have started developing pain, discomfort and very slight swelling on the right side of my neck, under the jaw on the right side and a little bit of tenderness on the floor of my mouth.

I'm Now back to the fear of Ludwig Angina, which according to the Internet, comes on suddenly, like these symptoms.
Can anyone help to calm. Me down and put my mind at rest? I need a decent nights sleep for once

---------- Post added at 22:53 ---------- Previous post was at 22:50 ----------

For more information, the abscess was in a front tooth at the top.. Can Ludwig angina start from. Here?