View Full Version : hi all

04-07-14, 22:55
hi all I have suffered with anxiety all my life I am off on holiday next week and came across this site while looking up would diazapam work in calming me down before I actually get on the plane im.usually ok during the flight but become obsessed with the toilet before boarding and before landing, its just the initial getting on the plane :( so any help would be appreciated because I get myself into such a state it makes me feel stupid I just want to be like most people and just get on a plane enjoy a holiday without all the stress, has anyone else tried diazapam any tips on how to cope with that overwhelming panicky feeling when u just want to run and get off flight I really cant do that, I even tried hypnotherapy last year spent £300 on sessions that I dont think worked any help would be appriciated

05-07-14, 00:06
Hi Nicc1,
I've got the same problem with aeroplanes, though not a toilet issue. Mine started when I was on a long haul flight and after 9 hours felt all panicky and wanted to get off the plane there and then !!!!! The last two hours were hell. From my understanding, Diazapam is supposed to make you feel relaxed. Unfortunately the dosage I was prescribed for my MRI scan today wasn't enough and I had to bail out AGAIN. I appreciate you can't do that when you will be mid flight so hope you can sort something out.
When I visited my doctor before today's scan I got a definite feeling that he wanted to start me low dosage and expect to build me up if needed. If your doctor has the same outlook it will be of no use to you for your trip if you don't get an adequate strength. If your only problem is using the toilet and having access to it then I would say enjoy your journey and sod anybody else that it inconveniences !!! Before going, ( if you can get an appointment ) stress to your doctor how desperate you may be feeling about your flight and big it up more so. I've never heard of anybody dying from a prescribed overdose of Diazapam !!
Sincerely hope you get to enjoy your holiday,
Best Wishes

07-07-14, 04:20
hiya thanks for replying I think its cos this time the flight is longer and I am scared I will want to get off half way thru which I cant lol the toilet thing is just another part of the anxiety I feel if I dont go last minute something bad may happen, i have diazapam from doc and have been asking all the nurses in work if it will as I work in a hospital as a care worker so I am just goin to take it as and when I am sure at some point it will work I have downloaded every panic attack app on my phone I can, I am really hopin one day I get to go on a trip an not get so bloody wound up anyway I will post when I am back exactly how I was and what dose etc I took to hopefully help others :blush:

07-07-14, 14:15
Hi Nicc, sorry to hear about how worried you are and that you're going through it at the moment.

Firstly, what you are experiencing is very common and a LOT of people do not like flying to one degree or another, so you are in no way unusual!

Airlines and their cabin crew will see this as a very common thing, so perhaps it may be an idea to check on their websites and see if you can either contact them about it beforehand or speak with the crew on your plane before you take off - they are usually very understanding with anyone that feels unwell on the flight, so it definitely can't hurt for you to let them know and may help you feel more comfortable when you know that you're not going it alone for the whole thing.

As NSS said previously, make sure your doc is aware of the full extent of your anxiety before you go so you get the right medication and right dosage to help you through. Don't let them palm you off with an "oh you'll be fine".

Best of luck - let us know how it goes :)