View Full Version : Claustrophobia brought me Here !!!

04-07-14, 23:40
Hi Folks,
Just a quick line to say I think I've landed in the right place. Had a few bad incidents recently and after searching for some much needed info, I happened across this site !! Didn't realise how wide and varied other peoples problems are, but quickly came to understand that I'm not the only one with issues that I thought other people may have seen as a weakness or worse.
I'm 50, considered level headed and a decision maker, and one who is expected to be a solid anchor point. The problem is ............ I ain't !!! As the years have rolled by, I find my biggest issue ( claustrophobia ) has got worse, and reading other peoples threads I can see similarities in other peoples problems. I'm now at the stage where bits are starting to go wrong, and have become acutely aware that I've got underlying psychological problems that are now getting in the way. I hope to confront these problems with the help of the forums on this site, and if not, at the very least find a starting point to make some sort of progress that will get me back to living an enjoyable existence without seeming to others as a bit weird.
I'm married and a Parent, and my biggest fear ( other than my claustrophobia ) is letting those in my family and people close to me down. As it happens, I've no interest in what work colleagues etc think of me as they only form 1/3 of my life, and a not at all important one at that. Hope everyone on here manages to achieve what they wish,
Take Care.:)

04-07-14, 23:49
Welcome to the site, notsoskinny :D

05-07-14, 00:19
How does it affect you can I ask as I suffer from it too

07-07-14, 00:46
Hi Nicola,
During the day to day run of things it doesn't !! But having recently been asked to have an MRI scan it has VERY sharply focused my attention on my flaws.

As I've got older I have noticed a worsening effect from what I think is claustrophobia, but reading through the posts on this website I think I may also have other issues.

I've never been happy in confined spaces, and I think I have a general problem with regards to control. The only way I can describe it is I get anxious when I can't make a change to a situation. This can be as simple as not being able to remove my wedding ring even though I have worn it for quite a number of days ( my job requires that I can't wear it for safety reasons at work ). If I can't take it off immediately I feel trapped. Silly things like the thought of having my leg in plaster for instance after a break, makes my mind race, and I would HAVE to cut the plaster away to end the entrapment even though I know I would be in a complete and open environment !!! I know these feelings are irrational but can't help the fear that consumes me when I consider these situations.

I do draw comfort from being able to anonymously speak on this website about my issues, and when I type them down I even think of myself "what a K**b you appear to be", but I just can't help the way I feel about this.
I am very fortunate that my wife is on my side with regards to these issues that I have and is supportive for me. But she doesn't know how deep my problem is, and nor do I want her to. My 12 year old daughter just thinks her dad is a bit silly about these things and it would break my heart if she really knew how much my problems affect me, as it would with my wife.
The MRI scan issue ( and my definite claustrophobia ) has brought all these emotions to the forefront. My last failed attempt at the MRI scan has resulted in my booking an appointment back at my Doctors, and I will be mentioning everything else to him about the way I feel.

With regards to your original question, I avoid lifts, can't use the Subway, can't get on a crowded bus, can't put myself in a crowded environment even in an open space !!. Thanks for your question, as it has actually allowed me to think about my problem more deeply and give a little clarity about what I want to do next,
Kind Regards,

07-07-14, 04:40
we honestly could be twins I am exactly the same and reading everything u have said it like reading me, I havent been on a train or a bus for neary 20 yrs I dont do mri scans, lifts, or anything that involved me not being in control, u replied to my post about flying and the reason I get so anxious is because I am not in control (not that I am a controlling person with anyone else quite the opposite people walk all over me lol) I used to have to take tamazapam to go to dentist and that was just to have my teeth cleaned, I got stuck.in traffic once going home from work and it took me nearly a year of going the longest way to work just to avoid that situation again I have only just started taking the old route and if I am at lights and see a lorry going the way I am usually detour cos I dont want to get stuck behind it.....strange thing is when I am in work I am a different person I am confident and I think good at my job which involves caring for people, like u I think I sound daft but it is so hard to live with when all you want to do.is be lime everyone else :( there must be a way of sorting this without meds (believe me I have tried them all since my teens nothing works xx

07-07-14, 07:59
Welcome to NMP :)