View Full Version : Lying it's so wrong but it works :(

Panic emily
05-07-14, 03:19
Okay this is Aweful I shouldn't even say it but I can not really be the only one who does this! So here it is... Does anyone make up symptoms to doctors that go along with what disease you think you to get more examination? For example today I think I did it the worst.. I usually make my symptoms into something bigger then they really are.. BUT today I went to the ER because my heart rate would go super high everytime I stand up I have Mitral valve prolapse so I'm always worried about my heart.. ANYWAYS i told them I fainted, :O! But I did not faint it was a complete lie and I feel awful BUT I've been wanting to get a stress test forever, and now I'm going to the best cardiologist in our city for a thorough assessment! But I feel bad I do know I need it because my hearts being a little too sensitive with movements but still I'm bad. Does anybody else do this please say I'm not alone??

05-07-14, 13:16
Not a good thing to do. No I have never done it. :lac:

05-07-14, 13:23
No I haven't and would never do it, if the doctors thought it necessary from your REAL symptoms then they would do more checks.

05-07-14, 14:07
Not something I would do to be honest.

Why don't you come clean so to speak

05-07-14, 14:19
Emily I sort of understand why you would do this ,but it is never advisible to lie to a doctor ,because he could actually test for something else and not what you may or may not have ,this could lead to you being treated for something you dont have or the bigger picture he could miss something please dont lie love not good idea xx

Panic emily
05-07-14, 15:07
I know I feel so awful I am going to tell the cardiologist that I took it over bored as well as my doctor. This thing is turning me into a awful person because of it not only am I irritated all the time but I someone who never lies lied. I have a heart condition if I would of just asked he probably would of done it. Never again will I lie about that! :(

05-07-14, 17:58
I refrained from commenting but I'm glad others did. Having a physical issue with your heart can be scary I know. Mitral Valve Prolapse is a very common and relatively benign issue and most if not all who have this live their lives normally with few if any symptoms. While a regular check up with a cardiologist is warranted, I agree with the others concerning this exaggeration of symptoms.

Positive thoughts

05-07-14, 18:05
Personally I wouldn't tell the doctor you lied. I don't agree with what you did, but I can totally see why you did it. Sometimes when you are worried that something is seriously wrong and you want thorough testing, you feel like they're brushing you off or not doing everything they could, especially when you have anxiety and depression because you can feel like they're immediately discounting your symptoms due to you being a natural "worry wart"

If I was you (and I'm not, this is just what I would do in this situation), I would not tell them you lied, simply because it may effect how seriously they take you in the future when you come to them with genuine symptoms that could be serious, but vow to yourself NEVER to do this again.

05-07-14, 19:12
I agree with summer82. I understand why you did what you did, but never do it again. I would not tell your doctor, but vow to yourself you will not do it aagain. Don't beat yourself up over this, you are not a bad person, just an anxious person, and that's what you need to get help for..... your health anxiety. Tell your doctor you worry about your health, it is nothing to be ashamed of. :bighug1:

05-07-14, 19:32
Tbh I think this is pretty daft. Not only are you now going to be sent for tests that had you not lied your doctor would have said you done need, but you've delayed the appointments of people who really do need the tests.

I understand you want the reassurance but that's not going to help the HA. Reassurance is like your drug: if you get some you'll feel good for a few hours then you want more.

05-07-14, 19:55
I haven't done it myself but I know people who've done it. When they've been pregnant and worried about their baby in early pregnancy (like stomach cramps or not having other pregnancy symptoms) they've pretended they were bleeding so they could get an emergency scan done.

I don't think it's right but I think it's pretty sad the health service isn't supporting people like yourself enough so you feel like you're getting the care you need to be both safe AND happy.

Panic emily
05-07-14, 22:10
I'm glad that people understand, and I'm happy for the positive notes.. Though all are right I don't even really feel bad that I lied to the doctor it was more about delaying people who really need it like the elderly the people that I work with on a daily basis.(p.s.w and community service worker). I do really want to tell them though maybe not my doctor but the cardiologist. So he knows not to look to far into things. Serenity is right it is my drug the reassurance that I get is my drug and I'll do anything to get it. I won't go pills I refuse to an I've done all the counselling I could but I am a counsellor myself in my career so it's a bit contradicting and everything they tell me I already know.. So frustrating thank you all for your feedback.