View Full Version : Had enough of this now

05-07-14, 12:04
What a mess HA has made of my life.. Here I am sat alone panicking about pancreatic cancer, even though my bloods were all fine... And my ultrasound was yesterday aswell, I've woke this morning to pains and diarreah .

My wife and I were supposed to be going out for drinks today with friends to celebrate someone's birthday, it's a beautiful day but because I've mentioned not feeling great my wife has now said we aren't going and has taken to upstairs in a mood that I know is aimed at me for ruining her day, so this damn HA is not only ruining mine but also her life, she feels resentment towards me for it when all is like is some reassurance from her.

This isn't living anymore this is just suffering each day as it comes.... Had about as much as I can take if I'm honest

05-07-14, 12:19
Right Juggsy, do what my therapist told me to do a few weeks ago. Go for the drinks anyway. Even if you feel rubbish, go anyway. Go upstairs and tell your wife you are going.

Then on Monday if you haven't done so already, go to your doctor and ask to be referred for CBT. If you can afford it see a private CBT therapist, one who is BABCP registered.

You are not ill, you have Health Anxiety.

Find your courage, and even if you can't, go out anyway. Best wishes.

05-07-14, 12:58
I agree with primula, don't let anxiety stop you from doing things you would normally do. IBS can cause your symptoms.

05-07-14, 13:14
Yes RoseEve, and anxiety causes pains and loose bowels. I know I've been there, as many of us have. :)

05-07-14, 13:32
Thanks all... Were off out,

It's the colour of mine worrying me... They're very light brown, not like they used to be. Also I notice undigested food like as if it's still as I ate it

05-07-14, 16:47
OK Juggsy, hav a nice afternoon. The reason your stools are light coloured is because you are anxious and your food is passing through you very quickly. Everyone has pieces of food in their stool if they care to look( most people don't look). Escpecially if you eat peppers, tomatoes, red beans, beetroot etc. There is nothing wrong with you, enjoy your life, that is what I am going to try to do. :yesyes:

06-07-14, 12:37
How did it go yesterday?

06-07-14, 13:17
Hi it went well thanks for asking.... Although feeling quite stressed today as bowels have been very very loose... Trying to think positive thoughts that since sept I've had 2 full blood tests a barium enema and abdominal ultrasound and all is fine.

06-07-14, 14:13
Great. Keep going out, do what you would normally do if you didn't have health anxiety. Get a copy of David Veales book on Health anxiety,it's on Amazon. Excellent book.

You have loose bowels because you are anxious and stressed, it's a vicious circle you've gotten into, that you need to break.

---------- Post added at 14:13 ---------- Previous post was at 14:08 ----------


Also this is a very good website. You can print the info to read.

06-07-14, 17:28
I'm trying to think that way, just every time I have a twinge or loose movement I'm back to square one again,

06-07-14, 19:22
My anxiety has that effect at times, as long as your ultrasound etc is ok try some Imodium, providing your GP says it is OK to take and providing you are not on any other meds. That works for me.

06-07-14, 21:20
Thanks for the replies guys..... Trying to put a lid on this, my last BM was a big more normal, however I ate baked beans at 11am and passed them at about 8pm this seems very fast to me