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05-07-14, 14:58
I suffer from depression and anxiety. A couple of days ago, I went into the dentist to have three wisdom teeth removed. I was offered gas and air, but refused, opting to just have the local. I've had gas and air once before, and I hated it, hence the refusal. "I can handle this" I thought.

After having about 6 injections in my gums, my entire mouth and tongue went numb, and I felt like I couldn't swallow or talk! I started going into panic mode, staring wildly at the dentist and his assistant, and was mentally trying to calm myself down as to not make a scene. For some reason I suddenly got the hysterical giggles, but due to the fact that I couldn't feel anything, it turned into a crazy cackle. So imagine, I'm lying there and staring wildly, cackling with dribble going down my chin. They looked so unsettled that for some reason I suddenly felt better. I flexed my throat muscles and managed to say "I'm fine, keep going" realising I could in fact talk was even more settling.

I finished off my surgery and caught a cab home. I smiled at the taxi driver and numbly mumbled my address, wondering why he was looking at me so strangely. When I arrived home I could see why..I had blood running out of either side of my mouth and all over my teeth lol The moral of the story? Like spiders, the general public is probably a lot more afraid of you than you are of them lol!

Bonus panel

What Dentists say VS what they mean

1. You'll be a bit sore afterwards = You'll feel like you've been roundhouse kicked in the face..twice.

2. You might notice some swelling = You'll look like you just attempted to wear a beard of Wasps.

3. You'll feel a quick sting = You'll feel like time has somehow stopped and there is now nothing but endless sting.

4. There might be a bit of bleeding for an hour or so after we're done = You're going to look like a vampire that has been rudely interrupted during a feeding. Any attempt at verbal communication will result in a rather impressive blood spray.

5. We're almost done= We're nowhere near done. Get ruddy comfortable.

6. Last one! = First one!


05-07-14, 15:10
Haha, that made me laugh a lot... Fantastic image of you in the chair cackling maniacally :D

I can definitely concur re: your bonus section... At least regarding my wisdom teeth removal... Definitely hurt a little more than they told me it would :doh:

05-07-14, 15:53
lol good, I was hoping it might raise a chuckle and lighten up a few dull moods.

Yes, they are big old liars! haha

05-07-14, 17:12
That's so funny! :roflmao:
Hope you're not in too much discomfort,and for the record,I think you're very brave:scared15::D

05-07-14, 21:06
I'm not too bad lol One side is worse than the other, but I am keeping myself nicely topped up with codeine (thank you, Doc lol) and thank you! I thought I was rather brave as well ;) haha

05-07-14, 21:46
Good for you being able to see the lighter side! God knows we could all afford to do that once in a while :)