View Full Version : Hello, Everyone

05-07-14, 17:18
Hello, everyone.

My name is Joseph. I've been directed to this site a number of times the past few weeks after obsessive Googling my symptoms and have read many threads but this will be my first time posting.

Like everyone here, I have a heavy amount of anxiety. I became ill a few months ago and doctors are not sure what is wrong with me, if anything. It has been a carousel: I'm unsure if all of my illness is due to anxiety, if anxiety is causing me to be ill, of if there is an actual malady intertwined with anxiety that is making it that much worse. I'm currently waiting the test results for Lyme Disease which will hopefully arrive after this weekend.

But enough of my woes for now. I look forward to meeting some other people whose minds are magicians constantly playing tricks on them. I've always been very terrible talking to people about these things offline and this is the first time I will have belonged to an online mental health community.

05-07-14, 18:10
hi, I've only just joined, to try and help my daughter. Hopefully youwill find some peace by being able to talk about it. I found it really hard to talk about and thought people were being or would be very judgemental- I've recently let people at work know what is happening and they were lovely about it, and ask how things are going, which is nice to feel someone cares to do that. Good luck and hope you get some good chats x

05-07-14, 18:12
Thanks, Toni/Hollie. I actually just replied to your Introduction thread seconds ago.

05-07-14, 18:41
Hello and :welcome:to you Joseph,Toni/Hollie you will all find plenty of help and lovely people here glad you could jion us :D xx

05-07-14, 19:34
Hi Joseph,Toni/Hollie
Welcome to NMP :)

05-07-14, 20:45
Hi Joseph, welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear that you've been going through some tough times of late... You're in a good place here... I'm a pretty new member myself and have found the forums and more precisely, the people on them, really, really helpful so far.

Good luck - hope to keep up to date with how you are getting on :)

05-07-14, 20:50
Thanks for the welcomes, everyone.