View Full Version : Not alone

06-07-14, 03:52
I've posted only a few times on this site but just by looking through some posts I've found some great uplift and I felt a need to share my story

I'm 27 I've suffered with gad for about 3 years now and before I start to sound like a complete success story I do still struggle with anxiety but nothing like the scale I used to. My 1st panic attack come when I was on a train goin to visit my now girlfriend. From liverpool to Bolton I've never been so scared in all my life I mean I thought I was going to drop dead or end up hospital however somehow I made it. She calmed me down and I thought whatever this stupid thing was had past how wrong was I. Next day trying to come home and back to work it happened agen I cried all the way back and eventually getting home I could not face work the next day I mean I couldn't even walk out my door without this dreaded feeling I was going to faint. It was turning into agoraphobia and it took about 2 weeks b4 a few kalms and a majour kick up the arse got me to start fighting it. Day after day I set myself a goal of going further and further until eventually I made myself go back to work. Short shifts 1st and still a lot of symptoms I fought my way back. I had a wonderful workforce around me but I knew I had to find that other job because hours where being cut and cut. U eventually started applying for other jobs b4 getting a interview. I eventually got the job amazingly (thought I was nervous wreck) I thought it was time for a fresh start so I began thinking what might of caused my anxiety and then I thought my mum and dad didn't know I was gay am gonna start fresh and tell them. Knew job, fresh start. Although shocked they have now come round to the idea. I felt amazing after that yet I still get to this day panic attacks and anxiety but in a strange way although everyday is a battle I get through it. And it's all been by taking lil steps. I'm now a manager of my shop and actually flying aboard in 2 weeks I look back and this Lisa, u can do anything. A few years ago I couldn't step foot out my door and was on the verge on loosing everything. But with a strong mind and good people around you can achieve anything. Sorry for the ramble but I just wanted to reach out to anyone who's ever been in my position or anyone who wants to talk feel free to inbox.

Lisa xxx

06-07-14, 04:39
Lisa, I'm glad to hear your doing good. I hope things keep going great for you :)