View Full Version : thyroid

06-07-14, 04:30
hi all,
i was recently diagnosed with hypothyroid. but my TSH was normal. regardless, they put me on medication and the next labs were still "hypo" but my TSH was "hyper". :wacko:

of course, that has me worrying i have a pituitary tumor. then i started worrying about 100000 other things that could have lowered my thyroid hormones…

and i am on two new medications, both of which speed up my heart rate and make me even more nervous. so now i am just freaking out even more. worrying about everything under the sun and my heart rate is sky high right now… just so much STRESS! I just wanna feel better :(

not sure what i am looking for here, but i guess just some support. don't know where else to turn to. can't google symptoms anymore because it sends me into major panic modes.

06-07-14, 06:03
My ex wife (my kids mom) had "hypo" thyroidism. She was on Synthroid. A couple of years into our relationship/marriage, the doctors wanted to test her thyroid to see where she stood. Essentially, tests showed her thyroid wasn't working at all. She gained weight, was tired all the time and miserable. The next six months were hell as they adjusted her medication until her readings were in the normal range.

I had head and neck cancer. Due to the radiation treatment, I run a high chance of developing hypothyroidism. My TSH levels are checked every three months. So far so good but I fully expect my thyroid to crap out in time. There are several factors/readings involved in reading TSH levels. It's highly unlikely you were misdiagnosed. It's also highly unlikely your thyroid issues are due to a tumor as blood work would show certain markers that would indicate further investigation.

You'll have to bear with things as they adjust your meds. Eventually things will even out and you'll feel fine. Hang in there!

Positive thoughts

06-07-14, 08:12
Thanks, Fishmanpa!! The docs thought I caught mine super early (a good side effect of being paranoid perhaps? haha)… and so the drugs feel crazy high out the gate. 100 mcg of Synthroid and 25 mcg of Cytomel, as my FT3 and FT4 were pretty low (though I had actually lost 17 lbs, instead of gained).

Wondering now if I have autoimmune thyroid issues, where you go hypo - then hyper - back to hypo, etc etc.

I had a major panic attack tonight, and then I think it's the thyroid drugs… worried about heart enlargement… worried i'm killing off my thyroid on these drugs if misdiagnosed… ARGH.

but you're right. just need to hang in there and think positive and wait til it all evens out!!

oh and… I hope your thyroid hangs in there!! That is scary about the cancer you had, but amazing that you fought through it. Just more proof that us humans are pretty tough creatures. :)