View Full Version : Appointment on Tuesday, extremely scared

06-07-14, 06:21
On Thursday i went to the doctor, and he didn't say much but to take miralax and see if that had any effect on my constant bloating. Well I've taken it once. But I've noticed that my heartburn is back :( I was so happy that it had gone away but now it seems to be back. Luckily I have an appointment on Tuesday, but I'm so scared because I will probably be referred to a gastroenterologist. Which means I'll finally know what's going on in my tummy. I'm so so scared. My HA is still tormenting me. I feel reassured at times and convince myself that I'm not terminally ill and I'll be okay. But then I think wow its been weeks now and i don't seem to feel better theres defiantly something very wrong and I'm going to die. I just keep going in circles I'm terrified to go to the doctor again. At times i feel like i cant cope anymore. I'm so glad i found this website because I am able to vent and not feel judged.