View Full Version : Ovary pain!! Panic attack help!

06-07-14, 19:28
I keep fighting off anxiety but it keeps coming back this time I have back ovary pain everytime i need to wee & my bladder is full it's painful and heavy! Also if I go for a number 2 it's painful sometimes when I cough or walk it can be painful. I'm soooo worried it's cancer I was constipated and now i need to go lots! Sorry tmi! Also I am sooo tiered all the time but I seem to be going to my doctor weekley and i am embarrassed to go back again! Please help in so worried

06-07-14, 19:57
I sometimes get ovary pains when a week before I'm due my period. Could be that?

06-07-14, 20:21
LMS I get the same pains and have done for years. I think it's muscular. I have had tight jeans on today and my whole left had side aches radiating from the ovary area to the full pelvis,back and even my knee!!

06-07-14, 20:23
I come off my period end of last week, I thought the pain was that before when it started. I haven't worn tight jeans :(

06-07-14, 21:15
I get a lot of pain in that region because I have had a previous C-section. I always get it aswell, before my monthly, during my monthly and when I ovulate. its very painful when I ovulate, could it be this x

06-07-14, 21:43
I had a baby 9 months ago but never had a c section but had a horrible labour, 3rd degree tear and got rushed to theatre xx

06-07-14, 22:54
Ha, without the tight jeans I still get a pain in that area. In fact I used to liken it to an ache in the whole region as though I'd been kicked by a horse. Where that idea came from I do not know as there is not that much horse kicking going on in London !!