View Full Version : I'm REALLY scared of appendicitis

06-07-14, 23:27
Hi there! Could you tell me if this sounds like appendicitis to you?
I have pain in my lower right abdomen, but I don't have any other symptoms. It does not hurt when I press down. I am obese and my stomach hangs downward. I sometimes feel the pain under the tummy flap. The pain feels like it is closer to the surface, rather than deep within my stomach. The skin feels sensitive more than anything with occasional pains.

I have been diagnosed with GERD, as well as anxiety (specifically pertaining to my health.) the pain does come and go and I've had it for about a month. It was gone for about a week or two at one point and it came back two days ago and particularly becomes a bother at night. I am very anxious.

I can walk well, I can talk well, it doesn't hurt when I press on it, nor does it hurt when I cough. It's just a very small pain that comes and goes.

Can this all be anxiety?
Does it sound like appendicitis to you?

I am very gassy as well. I am burping. This morning I had to fart A LOT. There is still an ache there but it's not too bad. It's just been on my mind.

I'm also working on weight loss and have lost 60lbs to date under my doctors supervision.
Thank you!!!

06-07-14, 23:38
the pain does come and go and I've had it for about a month.
Does it sound like appendicitis to you?

If you have had pain for a month then it isn't appendicitis. Appendicitis is an acute condition which has severe continuous pain which starts off on your left hand side and then moves down to the right.

so no pretty sure it isn't appendicitis

06-07-14, 23:57
Appendicitis doesn't hurt when you press on it, it hurts when you're letting go. It doesn't sound like appendicitis to me :)

07-07-14, 01:49
I'd rule out appendicitis. Like venusbluejeans said the pain travels from an initial source and appendicitis is acute and in honesty, if you had already had it without appropriate medical treatment you wouldn't have been here to start this thread.

07-07-14, 10:38
I had acute appendicitis when I was young. Believe me, the pain was intense. I collapsed due to the pain. My parents rushed me to a doctor and the doctor said I was putting it on to get out of school (apparantly thats what he said anyway, I was out of it with the pain). My Mum almost hit the doctor and they took me to hospital in the car.

And the hospital it was confirmed I had acute appendicitis and they had to operate on me straight away as my appendix may burst. I had 4 or so days in horpital after. I didn't even know what HA was and loved the attention and the presents, I found it all exciting.

Sorry, went on a trip down memory lane there. Anyway, my experience of appendicitis was of the most acute pain I have ever had. Certainly not something I could have carried on and ignored.


Catherine S
07-07-14, 11:29
I had my appendix out in my 20's and the pain came on overnight...unbearable pain, and had appendix taken out within 24hrs. It definately wasn't the type of pain you describe.