View Full Version : Pleurisy, blood clot or gallbladder?

07-07-14, 05:59
Two months ago I went to the ER because my whole chest cavity was on fire and I couldn't get a deep breath (worsened by my panic disorder) and they suspected a blood clot since I told them I'd been having tightness (not pain per se) in my leg. They did an ultra sound of my leg, chest x-ray, dye contrast CT scan of my chest, ekg, urine/bloodwork and told me I had pleurisy. I'd been house/pet sitting the week before with cats that I'm allergic to.

Three days after the ER, I came down with a fever and became severely dehydrated from losing too much fluids from the back end (gross I know) next day I felt fine, but ever since, the leg tightness has not gone away and I constantly have sharp, stabbing, stop me dead in my tracks pains in my right lung area. Under the shoulder blade, along the side, under the rib. Sometimes it hurts when I breathe, other times it comes on randomly. Sometimes I have breathlessness, sometimes I don't.

Went to urgent care about a month later for the same thing, the dr there literally said he had no idea what was wrong with me -__- but gave me some Prednisone to try for a week, which did nothing, so they gave me a Pulmicort Flexhaler steroid inhaler to try, only made the short of breath worse, then on a general inhaler, which does nothing either :wacko:

I was convinced the ER missed a blood clot, but asked my dr if it could have been gallbladder instead. She said the tests (from two months ago btw :glare:) said it was fine, but yesterday my entire right upper quadrant felt like it was on fire again, no pain upon breathing, was just extremely tender and sore under the rib where my liver and gallbladder are, so I tried heat and some fruit juice in case it was related and the pain seemed to go away.

But still these sharp pains plague me every hour of every day. Everyone thinks I'm crazy and I know I'm a hypochondriac, but the sharp pains are unbelievable. I'm only 23, f, underweight even, but I'm so sedentary because my hobbies have me sitting still for so long. I know I need to get up more and exercise, but I'm scared to do anything with this pain :weep:.

(Think I should also mention that I have a family history of gallbladder problems and just this past January I passed a kidney stone and the nurse told me I had multiple stones in each kidney. I know that pain tho, this is NOT kidney stones. It's much higher and I drink water like a crazy person)