View Full Version : Has anyone tried exercise for their anxiety?

07-07-14, 06:54
One semester I had to walk back and forth from school (15 mins each time) and I noticed only a very slight reduction in my anxiety, even though a lot of the time I was walking fast since I was running late. Does exercise really make a difference? Are there certain exercises you have to do or a certain length of time you have to do them for?

07-07-14, 15:56
I definitely think a lot of anxieties can be managed and reduced with exercise and healthy living, although exercise alone isn't a cure. Chemicals released from exercise have a positive effect on your body and mind, and in general, people who are fit and healthy feel pretty good within themselves, which has a knock on effect to other areas.

I think in your case a 15 minute walk wasn't really enough in the way of 'exercise' to do much... You need around 30 mins to 1 hour of physical exertion, leading to increased heart rate, muscle usage etc.

07-07-14, 16:28
Yes!! 100% I'm a dancer so do get regular exercise through my classes but a few months back I took up running and the difference it has made to my mood/symptoms is unreal.... If I have a lazy weekend where I don't exercise I feel horrible xXx

07-07-14, 17:22
It definitely helps me get the anxious energy out.

08-07-14, 11:46
I hear this all the time about exercising helping anxiety, etc. However, whenever i over-exert myself, it just exacerbates my anxiety. Really annoying because i understand how it should help - maybe i'm not doing it right?!

08-07-14, 18:45
I think there's a subtle but important difference between exercise and walking quickly so as not to be late.

I've also found that over-exerting myself massively increases my anxiety.

The beneficial exercise needs to be no more than a relatively brisk (but by no means fast) for about 20-30 minutes per day. Enough that you can feel a little raise in your cardiovascular system.

09-07-14, 18:36
There is strong evidence that exercise improves mental health. A book I read said that somebody's depression was cured by jogging. My previous job consisted of me sitting on my bum for 4-9 hours a day so I decided to walk half of my journey (1 mile) to work and, time depending, walk the whole journey back (3 miles). I noticed a dramatic improvement on my anxiety. In my current job I am always on my feet throughout the 10 hour shift and have been told that people who do the same roles as me can clock up 10-15 miles of walking a day! With all that walking and lifting heavy equipment very frequently I have noticed that I am more energetic during the day, getting sleepy at an appropriate time of the night, sleeping throughout the night and even have toned arms and legs! My anxiety has reduced so much that what ever would freaked me out in the past I can now think more logically about and react better to.

I cannot stress the importance of exercise!