View Full Version : Is it okay to rely on medication for anxiety?

07-07-14, 07:13
Sorry it's so long! I need advice.

I was on Zoloft 50mg for 3-4 years. I was so carefree and calm. It was wonderful! It gave me my life back. But I developed a tolerance to it after the 3rd or 4th year and it was also affecting my thyroid and possibly causing behavior changes. I went down to 25mg and my life hasn't been the same. I'm extremely thin because I don't eat like I used to since one of my fears is food/throwing up. (5'3 107, I used to be 120ish) I am tired ALL THE TIME. All I do is lay in the bed. I have no energy. Getting dressed to leave the house takes everything in me. My hair has become so unhealthy, it has thinned so much because of how thin I am. I have low iron but I feel in my gut that is not the cause of all this. Because I had low iron when I was on 50mg too and my hair was healthy and I was a healthy weight. I was sleeping a lot but not like I am now, not this exhausted. All of this started a year ago when I went down on the medication.

I'm on edge all the time, I ask a thousand questions, rethink/analyze food, it's awful! I've become depressed too and lost interest in doing things I love like sunbathing. My OCD has also come back and I take 15 minutes to clean my retainer (something most people take 5 minutes for) and 5 minutes to brush my teeth (the average person takes 2-3 minutes). I have no friends, I barely leave the house. I put no effort into my appearance. I can't go out to eat. I can't live like this!

I look at pictures of how I looked when I was on the 50mg and I look so healthy and happy. I want that back :( but I don't want to rely on medication my whole life. I'm 21. I want to get married and have kids someday. You can't be on this medication during your third trimester. But I can barely function on 25mg, how can I function on nothing?! My doctor never wanted me to go off of it to begin with and said how she would love to help me get off of it when the time is right but we have to be functional. Is it okay to rely on medication to hide the symptoms? Is it bad to have to take medication your whole life for this?

If I do go back up on the 50mg, is the tolerance gone since I've taken 25mg for a year or would I have had to go off the medication completely for the tolerance to be gone? Also, I'm worried about side effects from going back up. And I'm worried about how carefree it's going to make me, like I'll be able to go out to eat again. But right now that scares me and I'm not ready to face that.

Oh and one thing for sure I definitely do not want to go on any other medication!

07-07-14, 16:12
I I'll be honest I have stuffed anxiety panic and became graphobic for years I am afraid to take meds was offered some on Friday by the phyicitrist heard alot down sides to wat he as given me Steraline I think they are called but listen I was 12yrs old when my probe began I am now 58 still afraid of meds but. Been unhappy and not lived a life any one would want to swap if I pick currage up to take these meds and have to take them rest of my life to give me a real life without constant fear I will gladly take um my only regret will be I didn't try earlier. Xxx

07-07-14, 17:23
Everybody is different. If you need it to feel better, there is nothing wrong with that. People take blood pressure medication for life and nobody judges that. It's the same with anxiety. You want to be able to enjoy your life and really live it. If you need a med for that, who's to say not to do it?

07-07-14, 18:21
My opinion on meds....

You're suffering right? If a med can help alleviate the issue, it makes sense to try. I have a "chill pill" I can take when I get stressed, like before my check ups. It works. I also have many other "physical" issues that I need meds for and I take them.

My daughter and sister take SSRIs and they've helped. The way I see it, it's worth a shot. The worst that can happen is it's not for you. The best that can happen is it helps.

Positive thoughts