View Full Version : Lump on hard palette

07-07-14, 09:34
Someone said the other day that the only people who tend to talk about their symptoms online were the worse case scenarios or the ones the drs couldn't help. And that we should try and think of all the millions of people who don't share their symptoms online and are fine. So I thought I'd share my lump story to reassure others because when I went looking for help there was nothing nice out there.

I had just had wisdom tooth surgery, very invasive, several hours under a GA due to the complexity of removing one tooth. During this time they really beat me about in there and my throat and mouth were exceptional sore. So sore in fact they actually split my throat and I was in the worse agony of my life as the kept misdiagnosing it as tonsillitis (it wasn't) and they wouldn't give me strong enough pain relief. In the end i had to fix it by gargling salt water for weeks and crying. Literally nothing helped. When my regular dentist saw me, he and the nurse were so horrified by the damage they'd let it get to he gave me a hug!!! Luckily I was getting better by then (I'd figured that stretching the scar tissue open by talking and eating helped the best even though it was horrific agony). It's still scarred. Anyway. As I recovered from all this butchery my hard palette started to grow a bulge, a hard smooth lump on the roof of my mouth on one side. Sometimes it ached but most of the time it was fine. Everything I read said it was either my sinus rupturing the cavity. Or cancer. Both entirely possible. Both were NOT true. Mine was a bruise. It seems that the mouth is a very sensitive area but bruises aren't common, but do happen. My dentist had no worries about it whatsoever but it took the lump several months to go down, at times it got bigger, other times it shrunk. There was no visible colourstion but if I'd rubbed it it might look pink. I still have a smooth patch on the roof of my mouth from it. I also was being treated for CIN at the time and was being tested for HPV so mouth cancer was very much on my radar even when it came back that I was HPV neg. I just wanted to share my experience of my bruise because at the time that's what I thought it was but it didn't stop me from fixating on something worse and triggering massive panic within me and eventually tipping me over the edge into a full on breakdown. My little smooth patch from where a had a very nasty bruise from a very tough procedure is my reminder that I survived Dr.Google. I hope anyone who finds this is relieved there's another possibility for the lump on your hard palette.

07-07-14, 17:50
Thanks for that post. I am sure that someone will be able to relate to this. It is so easy to burn your mouth with hot food/drinks and to injure it with sharp stuff such as crisps etc. I always seem to have something going on in my mouth like ulcers, inflamed gums and I dont know whats going on at the moment as I am suffering with aching gums or teeth (not sure which) two weeks after a cleaning at the dentist. I am quite mouth/throat obsessed and always seem to be running off to the dentist about one thing or another so I find it helpful to read your story. Sorry you had such a tough time and had to endure all that but glad it turned out ok in the end x