View Full Version : mad thoughts!

16-12-06, 18:08
Does anyone else have mad thoughts like me? I have had them all my life, like when I'm vacuuming, I always think, "if I put the nozzle to my eye, would it suck my eye out?" and then I have to vacuum very quickly so I dont do such a thing!


"Smile Like You Mean It"

16-12-06, 20:32
oh carla im so sorry but i havent laughed in along time but that just tickled me so thanx for that hun.anyway carla i get weired thoughts all the time and there very scary i keep saying to myself there just thoughts and try my hardest to think of something else maybe next time when i start having mad thoughts ill think back to reading this and that should put a smile on my face

t motown

16-12-06, 21:15

I think everybody during their lives gets mad thoughts. It' just human nature, I guess. Although, I've never thought that.

The mind is a most wonderful and complex instument.

Take care


16-12-06, 22:15
hilarious! yes i do too, you are not alone. i keep thinking something is going to come up out of the loo and pull me down. you have to laugh really!

16-12-06, 22:30
You are not alone its part of it I guess I fear I,m going to swallow a spider during the night, and it will erupt from me a la Alien, only get this when in my anxiety phases.

16-12-06, 22:48
Hi Carla,

As you can see, your not alone with your made thoughts. When I was acute I got mad thoughts alot, some of them I'm ashamed to mention [:I] Hay, I still get them now, but they are just a fleeting thought now, they come on quick and go just as fast.

You will find that everyone is life has thoughts like these, for none anxiety sufferers they just come and go, but if your anxiety levels are high, you notice them more and question the thought.

These are just mad THOUGHTS, NOT ACTIONS, and thoughts can be changed.

Because they scared me sooo much whan I was acute, I used to try and change the thought into something funny, like a cartoon or something like that, anything that was light hearted and that would make me smile. Its not easy changing they way we think, but with parctice and time, it can be done.

You take care


16-12-06, 23:38
me to,Im pretty sure its all part of anxiety pet.;)

Ellen XX

17-12-06, 04:06
I swear i hear a phone ringing incessantly when i vacuum and one never is. i used to imagine driving off of one particular curve on the freeway every time i drove that way. it was weird. i think you are right, Ellen, it is allllll part of the anxiety. better stick to sweeping for now!![xx(]


Always expect a train.

17-12-06, 11:48
That made me chuckle too - totally not alone hun, we all do it!!!

Piglet :D x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

18-12-06, 13:22
Aw god love you Carla. Yup I've had thoghts like these too only really morbid ones like..oh why don't I slam my fingrs in the door or when I was gluing somethin together "why don't I just poor it in my eyes". When I get really angry or spaced out and I'm copping food up I think "what if I stab myself" or when I'm getting out of the bath and drying my feet "what if I break my toes now". It's usually when I'm feeling particularly bad though.[xx(]

18-12-06, 21:47
Thanks guys, glad to know I'm not alone on this one!


"Smile Like You Mean It"

18-12-06, 21:55
Nobody has mentioned the long arms that dart out from under the bed and grab your ankles if you don't jump in quick enough have they?!?! [:O]

GG [:P]


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

19-12-06, 16:11
um... it won't suck out the eye. [:I]

LOL... I have no idea when, but I'm quite sure I did this at some point as a child!

I do all sorts of foolish things. Once I put my hands in either end of a cardboard shipping tube. It took quite some effort to get it so both arms were in up to the elbows... then I realized that I was stuck. THAT was embarrassing.

I'm hoping you can all picture this... it will make you laugh if you get it right!!!

19-12-06, 16:13
OMG, Maz... I can't tell you how many 1/2 full cans of pop I've tossed because i was afraid to drink it cuz there might be a spider in it!!!

19-12-06, 16:17
As for the really morbid ones, when I worked for a very unpredictable boss, my anxiety was sky high crazy and I used to imagine taking apart the meat slicer, kneeling over it, and...................

I used to think about what they'd find in the morning... the blad still spinning, spray.........................

wow... I *really* needed help back then!!! I didn't know I was dealing with anxiety... I thought it was depression, but really I was just in terror mode all of the time.

19-12-06, 16:21
Mad thoughts are with us all I guess in stupid ways. But that is all they are thoughts not realities.

Your eye sucking thought did remind me of the story about a guy going to hospital with a vacuum cleaner, apparently he fell on it but who am I to question that!! Urban folklore I think!!


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?