View Full Version : NHS Strikes Again!

07-07-14, 13:29
Hey guys

Some of you may have seen my posts before I am 20 dont drink much dont smoke but have a hell of a lot of anxiety! So I was due to have an Mri scan of my neck today as I have a lump there.
Previously I had a ultrasound of a lump in my neck done by the consultant radiologist who told me there is a lump there it is round a moves freely however he couldnt properly tell what it was and in a normal patient he would say to do a follow up ultrasound in 3 months but because I was anxious he'd do an mri just to check it. So I went for my mri today when I got there they said that my appointment had been cancelled and I have to go to the hospital to have it done so I said why ? Amd they said because youre having a contrast scan done on your liver ? My liver ? Something I had never complained about never even remotely thought about and my radiologist said he was scanning my neck !!!!!! Grrr im so angry

Im about 80% sure im going to cancel the scan now for the simple fact Im not concerned about my liver and im pretty sure if I cancel it I will be doing my anxiety a huge huge favour

07-07-14, 13:46
Just complain, sounds like it's nothing more than an admin cock up!

07-07-14, 17:18
Lump in neck but liver scan why? What is confusion

07-07-14, 21:46
Exactly makes no sense ! My lump has gone slightly down the past couple of days so think im defo gonna cancel it tbh

07-07-14, 23:31
Why don't you just seek to explain their error to them as opposed to cancelling? If your quack thinks you need the original scan you still need it.

08-07-14, 07:47
I will question it and hopefully I will be able what im saying is if its correct that they are supposed to be scanning my liver im not going to go

08-07-14, 14:15
Sounds like some kind of administration error really.

Also, I'm not sure about the doctors logic of scanning you just because you are anxious... pretty bad reason to do a scan I think as the scan itself will lead to more stress and anxiety.