View Full Version : Shooting pain from pelvic area to belly button, scared!!

07-07-14, 17:29
I've been having issues with urgency the last 7 months. Started back in December with, what I thought was a UTI. Basically, I feel the need to urinate after just going for about 10-15 minutes then it fades away. It seems to have gotten better, as it's been over 2 weeks since I have had it. I've been working on my anxiety with relaxation tech. and all. Anyway, last Wednesday evening I fell asleep on the couch, woke up, with a full bladder, so I went to use the restroom and after I was done (sorry TMI) urinating I felt this shooting/electric shock type pain go from my vaginal area to my belly button. Almost like there was a string attaching the two and a lightning bolt with through it. It lasted literally a second and went away. It scared me considering what I had been through though. I was worried it was my bladder. The next few days I kept getting these really faint pains around my (sorry again TMI) clitoral/urethra area. Extremely mild, probably something someone else wouldn't notice really. Then it was gone through the weekend, then last night I was on my computer reading up about the pain (googling, BAD!) and it happened again randomly, but this time it was more to the left and just went down to my about my pubic bone area and wasn't as intense. Is this my anxiety causing other symptoms you think or is something wrong?? My original fear is interstitial cystitis. So, of course, I'm terrified I'm developed bladder pain. I was JUST starting to get over the fear when my urgency calmed down and thinking it really was anxiety this whole time. Advice anyone? :flowers:

---------- Post added at 16:29 ---------- Previous post was at 14:55 ----------


07-07-14, 18:41
Hi there:) ok firstly, im not a doctor so this isn't professional advice but just from experience :P, Im 16 and ive had so many aches and pains all round that area for the past 3/4 months, I had been to the doctors about it, they felt around had a blood test and all was fine,though i think i should go back ive self diagnosed myself (which isn't a good thing) lol, with ovary cysts, but i got told that, there's so many organs and things going around in that area that there's hundred of things that it could be, and most likely, its nothing serious, i had a nurse told me that almost every who goes to the doctors have previously goggled their symptoms and worried themselves crazy, but my advice for you, just wait and see till the pains get worse and/or you are still worrying about it, there's nothing better than to be reassured face to face with a doctor,maybe changing your diet or quit smoking(that is, if you smoke, i know that can cause symptoms with interstitial cystitis) thats if, if you even have it! which you might not, but i find a change to a healthier diet can help all sorts of stuff, If there's any more worries im happy to help, (this is my first post/reply) and i hope your pain goes away! im sure its nothing serious ;)

07-07-14, 19:00
Thank you for your response. I know I shouldn't google, but goodness it's hard not to sometimes!

I do not smoke, so that is a non issue for me. I've been working on my diet as well. I'm hoping it was just ovulation pain but considering it was right in the middle of my lower stomach/pelvic, I'm not sure.

07-07-14, 19:21
Yea i know how you feel it is very tempting to google, but i always find going on this website first helps.
Its funny you mention ovulation pain, i think im going through that now.. and im getting pains from stomach to areas round there, i was actually just reading on this website that is simple and clear about ovulating its on the Nhs website: ill copy the text ( i think that's aloud)
Signs of ovulation

A physical sign is an increase in vaginal discharge, which changes from white, creamy or non-existent to clear, stretchy and slippery when you ovulate.
You may also notice other signs, such as:
breast tenderness
mild abdominal pain
slightly increased body temperature
increased sex drive

Which i found very helpful, i normally wait until my period has finished to see if the pain has gone or if anything has changed, its quite funny how your body goes through these pain stages every month to get ready for your period, so when i get mild pain in the middle of my cycle i normally link it to that, :)

07-07-14, 19:50
I'm hoping it was ovulation, I did have the discharge during that time but I'm 29 and have been having periods since I was 12 and don't remember having pain like that before so I don't know. :/