View Full Version : Why aren't I normal ?? Why me :(

07-07-14, 19:00
So I am going throw high anxiety again, I have loads ovary pain when I have a full bladder go to toilet, need to wee a lot, feel bloated, and sharp pains. Doctor done a urine test come back clear but just said to treat me for uti anyway and if by end of the week it's still there it's ovarian and to have an examination! I asked about ovarian cancer and she said it's not very logical I am obviously panicking and crying! It's ruining my life!! I have a cold and I sneezed and blood was on the tissue! I'm so scared,worried and upset!!

Why do I have HA, it's ruining my life! I constantly worried and upset it's effecting my relationship with my bf, son and family I'm so upset and overwhelmed!!

07-07-14, 19:06
When you say ovary pain where do you feel it exactly? Middle, sides, up, down etc? Could you possibly be ovulating right now, which can cause the pains?

The full bladder feeling could defiantly be anxiety.

07-07-14, 19:07
Please stop googling about it. Follow ur doctors

07-07-14, 19:44
Left side , I come off my period week and a bit ago. I know I need to I stopes for a bit then gave in x

07-07-14, 19:51
Sounds like ovulation to me. If it doesn't continue into tomorrow, that is what is was.

07-07-14, 19:54
I've had it on and off for two weeks now xx

07-07-14, 19:59
Oh. hmmmm it really could be your mind playing tricks on you. It's hard to say, I know how you feel though. Its scary!

07-07-14, 21:15
Yeh that's what I thought who knows, just wish I didn't have HA. :(

08-07-14, 00:02
Sunshine, I used to think like this too and ask myself why I couldn't be normal. I've learned that there is no "normal" everyone struggles with something even if they don't show it. You aren't alone. Things will get better. :hugs:

08-07-14, 14:52
Hi Sunshine,

I wrote to you before about this. I think I suffer from a similar affliction as you do. I have the same aches and pains in the same places. It seems to be the place I put all of my pain. Last year I had pulled something on my spine (although I didn't know it) and my entire pelvic/ovaries were killing me. I freaked out and called some hotline which they were not any help at all so I went to the hospital and they did an external and internal exam and came up with nothing. I was so distraught that the technician that was doing my exam told me (which they are NOT allowed to do) that she saw nothing abnormal on the scan. But I calmed down immediately and the pain went away. It's a year later and I still freak out so much that I think I have given myself IBS.
My husband is fed up and I feel like I have no life but to worry and it's awful. However that being said I did go through this years ago and got better with therapy and a job. But like you right now I feel a bit trapped because I am at home taking care of my young son and I worry about everything because I have so much time on my hands.
Personally I think you should get the exam just to put your mind at ease but then see if you can go see a therapist so they give you some tools to help you with your anxiety. Because I don't know about you but once you get the all clear you might just start to focus on something else that hurts. (that's how it works with me at least) I know that I have to go see a therapist as well now because most of the time when I worry it's because there is something else in my life that I am not happy with and need to change and the HA is just a symptom of the bigger problem. Being a new parent is also a very very big and stressful (although joyous too) change and it can be overwhelming. Especially when it is primarily your job to look after everyone else besides yourself. It's even stressful trying to figure out who will look after your child if you had to go to the doctor or just even do anything some days (let alone go see a therapist). It can be really isolating too. I am not sure exactly your situation but before I had a child I could go anywhere or do anything but having a child you become secondary and if you don't have any outside help that can also increase the level of anxiety. I know that when I go out with friends without my family most of my pain subsides a little so I am convinced it's mental more than physical. If you can, get someone (your husband) to look after your baby and go out with friends more often. Being around people that is a different environment than the house and a child can remind you that there is more to life than googling symptoms. I know, i know I have to take my own advice too. I know, the anxiety can be crippling, it's horrible, but slowly making some changes and getting out can help. I hope this helps.xoxox big hugs (())

09-07-14, 15:46
Thank you Cusper for your reply, we have spoke before and you exactly right with me as soon as this goes there will b somthing else it's a vicious circle in having bad period pains and all I want to do is run to the doctor trying not to go as I got an appointment Monday anyway! I fort I would have to have my tooth removed as soon as checked out pain went , I have gastritis and I was soo worried and as soo. As endoscopy pain started to go. I wonder if it is in my head most of it! All I want to do is cry I feel helpless I started a parttime temp job it does help but then I panic here too and think I can't get to doctors when I want me and my partner are clpse to splitting up about it I think all day and night I want reassurance from him. He doesn't understand HA qnd he has had enough I'm always worrying and never happy! What a life!

09-07-14, 20:35
Hi LittleMissSunshine

Are you getting any treatment for your HA?

I have had the same fears as you many times and you are right when you say that when you get the all clear for this it will move to something else.

On and off for a couple of years I've had problems with my periods, spotting etc, I've had ultrasounds and earlier this year I had lots of problems, I kept getting really sharp pains around one ovary, they were stabbing in nature and wouldn't let up. I also had the urge to urinate all the time, and burning afterwards, my stomach was also bloated.

Obviously I was convinced something was going on with my ovaries I had an ultrasound and the radiographer said that everything was perfectly normal. Since then I've not had a single pain in that area, no more burning or frequent urination either.

It was obviously anxiety that was causing my symptoms and I wouldn't mind betting that with your anxiety being in overdrive this is probably making your symptoms a lot worse.

Go and have the examination it will put your mind at rest:hugs:

10-07-14, 07:52
Yeh I do wonder if it's anxiety, I kept having cramps last night was in tears and back ache so painful and as always google was used and my mind wondered. I'm away until Monday and I want to go home early just to see my doctor that isn't normal! How do I get the scans thou if doc doesn't say she wants them? Xx

10-07-14, 16:28
I would just be totally honest with your doctor and say that you don't feel you are going to stop worrying until you've had an ultrasound.

Normally my doctor is really good because he knows I won't stop worrying he'll refer me for peace of mind and I think if you explain the situation your doc will hopefully be the same.

Sometimes we just need that closure, even if we do ended up moving onto something else! x