View Full Version : Seen my DR

07-07-14, 19:27
Had my bloods and ultrasound all clear,

Bit the bullet and told her about my HA, and how it's affecting my life, I was told there's nothing they can offer with regards to counselling, but she's going to refer me to a local unit called arc for assessment. Although I'm also looking at funding some cbt counselling myself

I suppose it's a start she's also given me mevebrine or something as in her words

"Your results are all clear do.. I don't know.. Might be IBS

so onward and upward, the start of my recovery starts here, I'll keep you all posted

07-07-14, 19:40
Clear is always good!

Why not download the free CBT course here and at give it a read. It's good stuff!


Positive thoughts

07-07-14, 19:47
Thanks, I'll give it a go....

Yes clear is good, however as with most HA sufferers I'm always thinking what if they missed something...

But I need to try something to start living my life again

10-07-14, 07:32
Feeling at an all time low now... Was hoping that the clear results would make my symptoms start to get normal again....

However, I'm into my 4th week of diarreah and undigested food... It's put me back to square 1, the feeling of there must be something wrong as it isn't normal for these types of symptoms to last this long....

Just want to crawl into bed shut the door and stay there for good at the moment!!!

10-07-14, 07:48
Anxiety and stomach problems go together like Adam and Eve did. It's the number one thing to play up when your anxious or stressed. Same with your breathing etx. Hang in there and get a second opinion if you want. But remember...... Your blood work and ultrasound were all good!

10-07-14, 10:22
Thanks for the post.... I'm just struggling to see how these symptoms can last so long...

10-07-14, 12:54
Thanks for the post.... I'm just struggling to see how these symptoms can last so long...

Think of anxiety like a fire. The flames may die down but the coals continue to stay hot for a long time. With anxiety, your body is always burning those coals. That's why all it takes is a little wood and the fire starts right up again. Treat the anxiety and you learn how to stop the coals from burning.

It's those burning coals that continue to plague you long after you stop feeling anxious, thus the stomach issues.

Positive thoughts

10-07-14, 13:59
I've been again and had what looked like black mucous..... Tha dosent seem right to me.... And to top it off can't get a dr appointment for another 3 weeks