View Full Version : Back ache?

08-07-14, 09:46
I have had back ache for 3 weeks and it's right down in the bottom right of my back, just above my buttock. I saw a gp yesterday who said he thought it was muscular but it feels like the bone or something to me. He gave me some anti inflammatories and to go back in 2 weeks if it hasn't gone and then refer me to physio. Some days it aches all day and some days it just hurts if i move/bend etc. Bone cancer keeps popping in my head which i am trying to ignore but it's hard not to go down that route. Why do i always think cancer??

08-07-14, 09:58
I have had back ache most days for at least 2 months now

I never even thought of bone cancer though - it is just a back ache to me. See how minds work differently?

08-07-14, 14:21
I've had backache for years now. It started off suddenly and has become chronic. I'm told it is muscular as well - sometimes it is a constant deep ache and other times it only hurts when I bend or move in certain ways or if I sit/stand/lay still for too long.

Most back ache is mechanical in nature and has no serious cause. They don't normally offer any tests or treatments other than pain relief unless you have had the pain at least 6 weeks, as most back pain resolves itself in that time frame.

Bone cancer is highly unlikely. The symptoms would get worse over time and you would likely have more symptoms than just pain.

08-07-14, 18:27
Ye noon, sounds like me (exact same symptoms and triggers). I'm finally booked in to see a physio on Friday, after years of avoidance. One question though, has anyone experienced a deferred pain in the abdomen? I get a pain in my abdomen completely in front of the pain I get in my back. I can press hard all round my abdomen and bit doesn't hurt, which has made me wonder if it's just a deferred back pain???? I was putting it down to anxiety or ibs.

08-07-14, 21:03
Hi ive had back pain for 3 months now i had pain killers and even had a physio it went ok but since they told me i have disc bulge and a nerve problem and with my strenous job it comes and go sometimes for weeks and mummygems i get reffered pain in my abdomen too which sometimes i worry

09-07-14, 16:03
Got pains in my right arm now from my elbow into my end finger.

09-07-14, 16:59
could be a trapped nerve due to tense muscles?