View Full Version : It's not health anxiety I really am ill :)

08-07-14, 12:45
Hi Everyone

What can I say? M, mid 40s. First had 'symptoms' (centering round mild chest pain) in early 30s, had a load of tests and all were clear except for Epstein Barr so the wait loss etc was put down to that and after a couple of years I mostly felt better although I was still anxious about exercise so basically avoided it since :) Shoudl say before that I never thought about my health/never rarely had a day of sick etc etc.

Fast forward to late 30s after arrival of 3rd kid when the 'chest pain' symptoms were back with avengance, another set of heart tests all negative and eventually signed off work for a month with day patient CBT/other therapies as the 'chest pain' was stopping me from concentrating at work and resulting in lots of absences. Also added tension headaches to list of symptoms and poor digestion has long been an issue. Despite various batches of CBT since then and trial of some drugs (although I have never been willing to take anything long term) I am far from cured and despite 'kmowing' there is nothign physically wrogn with me I am still close to panic on occasions whenever my chest feels funny (which is most days) and I now have lots of 'accompanying symptoms - aching left arm, pins/needles in arm/tighness ni ribcage/under arms etc etc)

So I am here today as just had another panic attack, worst for a while and wanted to read about how it was all feelings not actual problem in order to try and calm my state of arrousal. Already read somethign interesting about misidentifying anger as a possible trigger as that seems relevant for today's attack and I know I have trouble feeling/expressing anger.

Anyone still awake?

08-07-14, 13:17
Hey there, welcome to the forum and sorry to hear that you've suffered with this for so long. You'll find lots of people here who have the same things happening (me included), so hopefully you can get some useful information. Everyone here is really welcoming and friendly :)