View Full Version : NMP Book Club: The first rule of Book Club...

08-07-14, 23:46
…is you don’t talk about Book Club.

Hi guys, let me welcome you to the first official NMP Book Club thread and give a big thanks (again) to everyone that has given me their ideas and support so far.


So, here goes… A few FAQs to start us off…

What is Book Club?
It’s pretty simple – we (the members of the club) read the same book simultaneously and then discuss our thoughts and ideas about the book at various stages.

Which books do we read?
Each time a different member of the club sets a book of their choice for everyone to read, which we then have a week to source before starting. We try to keep the choice fairly easy reading and appealing to the general population, so (hopefully) everybody can enjoy it.

Where do I get the book from?
Well, that’s entirely up to you. We’ll post links to purchase the book online in paperback and e-reader (Kindle etc.) formats, or you can go ahead and get it from a place of your choice. Obviously your local library is a great option for anyone not wishing to make the commitment of actually buying the book.

I’m not a fast enough reader… I don’t think I’ll keep up!
Don’t worry! This is a really relaxed club and we don’t expect you to race through each book really quickly. We’ll usually set between two weeks to one month in which to read the book (depending on length), which should provide ample time to get through it, without feeling rushed.

How do we discuss the book?
Every week we’ll give you a target chapter to reach, and then set some discussion topics on the forum, which everyone can respond to at their leisure. Again, no pressure here – you can say as much or as little as you want each time. Once we actually finish the book, we’ll aim to meet up in the chat room (or somewhere else – such as Skype (typing only!)), to have a live discussion about what we all made of it.

Sounds good…! Who can join?
Anyone who is a member of the No More Panic forum can join the book club – the more the merrier! Just reply to this thread so we know who is involved each time.

If all of the above hasn’t scared you off and you want the chance to read some interesting books and get involved with some fun and friendly people, come and join us!


Anxiety DJ

Catherine S
08-07-14, 23:52
:read: In the words of Michael Jackson..I'll be there :D

And thanks DJ for taking the time to organise it....ISB x

08-07-14, 23:57
Book 1: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

Thanks to everyone for allowing me the privilege of selecting the first NMP Book Club book... Please find a link to purchase the paper back and e-reader versions below (I have included links for UK & US versions - if anyone from another country has problems sourcing the book, please feel free to contact me and I'll be happy to assist).

Hopefully everyone is happy with this choice - we'll aim to start reading by Wednesday next week (16th July).

Amazon UK
Paper back - http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Fault-Stars-John-Green/dp/0141345659/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1404856427&sr=8-1&keywords=the+fault+in+our+stars

Kindle / e-book - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fault-Our-Stars-John-Green-ebook/dp/B007Z8ZKS2/ref=sr_1_1_bnp_1_kin?ie=UTF8&qid=1404859927&sr=8-1&keywords=the+fault+in+our+stars

Amazon US
Paper back - http://www.amazon.com/The-Fault-Stars-John-Green/dp/014242417X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1404859798&sr=8-1&keywords=the+fault+in+our+stars

Kindle / e-book - http://www.amazon.com/The-Fault-Stars-John-Green-ebook/dp/B005ZOBNOI

Look forwards to reading and discussing the book with you very soon! :)

Catherine S
09-07-14, 00:07
I almost bought this a few weeks ago strangely enough so look forward to reading it with you all. We have a book club..fab!

09-07-14, 00:38
Sounds good! I think this will be a tear-jerker ...

---------- Post added at 19:38 ---------- Previous post was at 19:33 ----------

I already found a downloadable e-book version through our town library. Should be in within two days!

Catherine S
09-07-14, 00:40
I did read a little snippet on amazon, so yes could be, but looks good and my copy will be with me by Friday apparently!


09-07-14, 01:15
Thank you for organising this anxietydj :)

I've read TFIOS already and it's a good book to start with, definitely don't mind reading it again for this. I hope everyone enjoys it :D

I know a good website where you can read books for free if anyone's interested. It's not a dodgy site either. You can read the books on your computer without downloading or you can download them onto your phone (into your iBooks app if you have it.) I use it for reading everyday. It hasn't got every single book I've looked for but it has a lot. The Fault in Our Stars is on it but it only has the first chapter uploaded :doh:. It might come in handy for other books though. :)

Catherine S
09-07-14, 01:34
Thanks for the tip Aga :)

09-07-14, 01:40
Sounds good! I think this will be a tear-jerker ...

---------- Post added at 19:38 ---------- Previous post was at 19:33 ----------

I already found a downloadable e-book version through our town library. Should be in within two days!

I did read a little snippet on amazon, so yes could be, but looks good and my copy will be with me by Friday apparently!


Thank you for organising this anxietydj :)
I know a good website where you can read books for free if anyone's interested. It's not a dodgy site either. You can read the books on your computer without downloading or you can download them onto your phone (into your iBooks app if you have it.) I use it for reading everyday. It hasn't got every single book I've looked for but it has a lot. The Fault in Our Stars is on it but it only has the first chapter uploaded :doh:. It might come in handy for other books though. :)

Awesome, thanks so much guys! I'm excited :)

That sounds promising Agadch... Personally, I don't mind buying books - I like to own them... One of my little quirks! But it def sounds ideal for those who want to try the book without having to pay for it... Maybe on the next book we can look into that further :D

09-07-14, 10:25
Looking forward to it :)

09-07-14, 17:51
I have just bought it for my kindle :)

10-07-14, 11:48
I've just ordered the book from Amazon :D x

10-07-14, 15:21
Looking forward to it :)

I have just bought it for my kindle :)

I've just ordered the book from Amazon :D x

Yay, yay and yay :)

Thanks guys! :yesyes:

10-07-14, 15:31
I've read it already! I'm in!

10-07-14, 16:16
ooo numbers are growing!

10-07-14, 17:07
I've read it already! I'm in!

Awesome... Thanks v much!! :D

11-07-14, 12:53
Just an idea!

I just thought with this forum being what it is, are there any people who have objections about any subject matters that a book can be focused on!?

Like this book may not appeal to some with HA!?

I think it needs to be said that if a book is listed for the next read, if anyone has a problem with any of the content in it, they can PM the person who suggested it with their worries, and then another book can be chosen! That way it's in private and you need not worry about having to explain to others reasons about not wanting to read that book!

This isn't simply about not liking a genre, book clubs are after all a way to broaden you reading library.

Like myself, usually i am fine but at times i am a big baby when it comes to intruder/murder mystery/horror books, if anxious when reading, it only heightens my anxiety to where i have to check the doors and windows 50 times before bed and sleep with the lights on for a week.

I suppose i just don't want anyone's anxieties to be triggered by a book and feel like they have to stop attending the book club.

Sorry if my concerns are baseless and i'm just wittering on, was just a thought!

Other than that can't wait to get re-reading!!!

Catherine S
11-07-14, 13:04
Everybody's tastes will be different with the subject matter of the chosen books, so I think if somebody prefers not to read a certain book then they don't need to. The people who do read it will then discuss it, the people who choose not to read it won't, but maybe the next book will appeal...and so on. I think that's one way around it anyway...what do others think? :)


11-07-14, 14:41
I think if we can go out of our way to not exclude people that would be better!

There's a difference between wanting to take part but feeling you can't and simply not wanting to take part!

Me personally, i'm not into the whole Jojo Moyes and Jodi Picoult novels, but needless to say if someone chose one, i'd still take part! That's what book clubs are!

I just feel like if a subject hits too close to the bone, and someone wants to voice their concerns they should know they have the option and be able to feel comfortable in speaking with whoever is choosing and ask for the book to be changed!

This might never need to be raised, but just in case, people will know where they stand!

11-07-14, 14:50
Just an idea!

I just thought with this forum being what it is, are there any people who have objections about any subject matters that a book can be focused on!?

Like this book may not appeal to some with HA!?

I think it needs to be said that if a book is listed for the next read, if anyone has a problem with any of the content in it, they can PM the person who suggested it with their worries, and then another book can be chosen! That way it's in private and you need not worry about having to explain to others reasons about not wanting to read that book!

This isn't simply about not liking a genre, book clubs are after all a way to broaden you reading library.

Like myself, usually i am fine but at times i am a big baby when it comes to intruder/murder mystery/horror books, if anxious when reading, it only heightens my anxiety to where i have to check the doors and windows 50 times before bed and sleep with the lights on for a week.

I suppose i just don't want anyone's anxieties to be triggered by a book and feel like they have to stop attending the book club.

Sorry if my concerns are baseless and i'm just wittering on, was just a thought!

Other than that can't wait to get re-reading!!!

Hi Gats,

Thanks for your reply!

I guess as ISB said, we can never find a book to please everyone, so I suppose it will have to be the case that if someone isn't keen on reading a particular book, they will have to sit it out and wait for the next. Obviously though I am not going to know the ins and outs of every single book that is chosen, so if anyone does have any concerns about the subject matter, or feels that it is inappropriate in some way, they can of course contact me and I will look into it.

I was hoping that by choosing books that are pretty popular with the general public, we could avoid any that are going to be offensive to some... And I doubt we'll be reading any horrific gore-fests, so you should be safe :)

Thanks for taking the time to reply... Really appreciate it!

11-07-14, 15:30
I obviously am not voicing what i mean adequately enough to be understood!!

Anywhoo's!!! Ignore me!!!

P.S My book suggestion was gonna be a classic gore fest btw!!

11-07-14, 16:12
I get what you're saying gat and think that pm'ming concerns about a book would be an unspoken rule anyway

To be honest I prefer books that are "close to home", that I can relate to the characters personality...I find reading a form of therapy as if the book is read all the way through any triggers are processed and explained as the book ends....also it may be helpful for any "triggers" to be voiced in the book discussion, as it may help the sufferer process their own fear and help?

I'm willing to give any book a go, but to be honest if I'm not gripped by a book I'll stop reading and not finish...like the others have said its impossible for every suggestion to be to every readers taste, so I expect that we can miss a book if it really isn't our thing!

(i hope I have made sense...I'm post night shift and I;m not sure my brain is working yet ;0)


11-07-14, 17:09
Gatsby, I am glad you brought that up. Although I am going to read this book, I did think about it at first because I am an HA person and cancer is one of my triggers after my mom died. So you voiced something I had thought about.

I thought it through and think I will be ok reading it and if not, I'll just let everybody know why and I'm sure they would understand. But I appreciate that you mentioned that.

11-07-14, 17:14
What you wrote was exactly why i thought to mention it!!!

Glad you're joining in!!!

11-07-14, 18:00
I obviously am not voicing what i mean adequately enough to be understood!!

Anywhoo's!!! Ignore me!!!

P.S My book suggestion was gonna be a classic gore fest btw!!

I totally understand where you are coming from Gats, don't worry - I just think it's impossible to choose any book that every single person will enjoy and be comfortable with :)

As I said, if we aim to choose books that have good reviews etc. from the general public, that at least gives us some kind of idea that they are suitable for a variety of people and will hopefully avoid anyone not wanting to take part.

Catherine S
11-07-14, 19:51
My copy of this month's book has arrived today :D

11-07-14, 20:11
My copy of this month's book has arrived today :D

Woohoo!! :)

---------- Post added at 20:11 ---------- Previous post was at 20:08 ----------

Gatsby, I am glad you brought that up. Although I am going to read this book, I did think about it at first because I am an HA person and cancer is one of my triggers after my mom died. So you voiced something I had thought about.

I thought it through and think I will be ok reading it and if not, I'll just let everybody know why and I'm sure they would understand. But I appreciate that you mentioned that.

Hey, thanks for getting involved with the discussion... I did think about it from a HA perspective (I also suffer) but know that this book also shows the sides of illness that display how people can be happy and enjoy life, as well as the sides that we all often worry about.

Fingers crossed you enjoy the book and thanks so much for giving it a try - that means a lot and is also very brave on your behalf :) Let me know how you are finding it as we move through...

11-07-14, 23:00
Thanks! I think it's like somebody else posted ... it's part of getting through it and getting used to your triggers. And a book would be nothing if it didn't make us feel something.

13-07-14, 22:16
I started reading it yesterday and finished it today :)

Catherine S
13-07-14, 22:46
I'm a bit like that Annie..I read them really quickly so not sure if I can wait a whole month for the next lol!


13-07-14, 22:56
I have started reading Les Miserable now so that will take some time :)

14-07-14, 17:30
Hi can I join the book club please? Xx

14-07-14, 18:08
Hi Susie, course you can join in...we haven't officially started reading yet, I think it's next week : The first book suggested by DJ is "The fault in our stars" by John Green


14-07-14, 19:44
Thank you, just ordered it from Amazon xxx

14-07-14, 22:48
Thank you, just ordered it from Amazon xxx

Fantastic!! Welcome to the club... We're due to start reading this Wednesday :) If you haven't already then check out my first post which outlines our plan...

Thanks a lot for getting involved :)

---------- Post added at 22:48 ---------- Previous post was at 22:43 ----------

Quick question... Would everyone be comfortable if we reduced the read time to two weeks for this book?

Seems like everyone is raring to go and a few of you have already started (and finished!) the book, so I don't want to drag it out for the sake of it.

Happy to leave it at a month if there are any of us who won't have too much free time :)

Let me know guys!

14-07-14, 22:50
Once I started to read it I couldn't put it down :)

15-07-14, 13:26
I'd be up for the challenge of 2 weeks.

Catherine S
15-07-14, 13:33
Yes two days..I mean two weeks sounds good to me too :) but happy for it to be longer for others no probs.


15-07-14, 13:44
Yes two days..I mean two weeks sounds good to me too :) but happy for it to be longer for others no probs.


LOL! :yesyes:

16-07-14, 12:47
OK guys, although I know a few of you were unable to contain your excitement for reading the book and have therefore already started, today is our first official day of reading The Fault in Our Stars :)

It seems as though everyone is happy to reduce the read time down to two weeks, so if you can aim to be half way through (end of chapter 12 (out of 25)) by the end of next Tuesday (22nd July).

I'll post a couple of discussion topics on Tuesday night, relating to the first half of the book - look forwards to hearing what you all thought of it!

Thanks again for getting involved everyone - hope you enjoy the read :)

Catherine S
16-07-14, 12:50
Kewl :read:


16-07-14, 13:13
I'm SO in for the next book. I have a few on the go at the moment so wouldn't be able to hit the two week mark for this one.

16-07-14, 14:57
I'm SO in for the next book. I have a few on the go at the moment so wouldn't be able to hit the two week mark for this one.

Great, sounds good :) Hopefully this will be a long-running endeavour, so there should be plenty more books for you to get involved with!

Thanks a lot for wanting to be part of this :yesyes:

16-07-14, 22:21
Yay we are "officially" bookclubbing :yahoo:

16-07-14, 22:51
My book arrived today!! About to start reading! Xx

16-07-14, 23:10
My book arrived today!! About to start reading! Xx

Awesome! Hope you enjoy :yesyes:

16-07-14, 23:48
I just bought book for my kindle, as soon as my kindle is charged, I'll down load it, start reading.

17-07-14, 00:33
I just bought book for my kindle, as soon as my kindle is charged, I'll down load it, start reading.

Fantastic... Thanks for getting involved :)

17-07-14, 01:08
This thread was a great idea, AnxietyDJ. Thanks again for taking it on.

17-07-14, 12:12
I finally received my book today, woohoo!! :yahoo: x

17-07-14, 21:39
This thread was a great idea, AnxietyDJ. Thanks again for taking it on.

No problem at all - thanks for saying thanks :D

I finally received my book today, woohoo!! :yahoo: x

Woohoo! Hope you enjoy it :)

18-07-14, 19:34
So I started reading two days ago with the goal of getting through half by Tuesday ... and finished it this morning! I just had to keep going. For those who did finish, I was thinking we should really make sure we don't post spoilers by accident from the second half during the discussion midweek.

18-07-14, 19:55
Yes....I read it as soon as it was announced...and finished it the same day!....I'm going to read the first half again before mid week to remind myself...but yes...no spoliers for those that have patience!

18-07-14, 21:32
So I started reading two days ago with the goal of getting through half by Tuesday ... and finished it this morning! I just had to keep going. For those who did finish, I was thinking we should really make sure we don't post spoilers by accident from the second half during the discussion midweek.

Yes....I read it as soon as it was announced...and finished it the same day!....I'm going to read the first half again before mid week to remind myself...but yes...no spoliers for those that have patience!

Haha, well hopefully it's a good sign that you had to keep reading... I've read it before (quite a while ago) and went through it in just a couple of days, so I know where you're coming from :)

No spoilers please people!! :D

21-07-14, 16:16
Hi guys, just a reminder that we are aiming to have reached the end of chapter 12 by tomorrow (22nd July). I'll post a few general discussion topics here early evening, which will hopefully be a good way to kick things off :)

Hope everyone has enjoyed it so far :D

22-07-14, 13:45
The book was fab, finished it yesterday. Looking fwd to discussing it later x

22-07-14, 15:35
gosh I only managed to chapter 1, very interesting.

22-07-14, 17:03
Can't wait. I am going to be working late tonight and early tomorrow, so I will hopefully get to post some responses tomorrow night.

22-07-14, 19:07
OK guys, so hopefully you should have all reached the end of chapter 12 by now (or within the next few hours)... As it worked out, the half way point for us fell very nicely (I should pretend that I was extremely clever and planned it that way!!) - with Gus and Hazel's 'big night' in Amsterdam - so we will hopefully have a lot to talk about!

Here are a few discussion topics to get us started, but feel free to go off on your own tangents and talk about anything you want (obviously no spoilers from the second half of the book, if you have read further!). Anything goes here and the floor is open... No judgements at all, so don't worry if you are feeling nervous about what to say :)

Topic 1
Do you think that the relationship between Hazel and Augustus is made stronger due to their illnesses? If so, why?

Topic 2
Hazel says: “I'm a grenade and at some point I'm going to blow up and I would like to minimize the casualties, okay?”. Is she right to think this way?

Topic 3
We're only half way through, but the book has already moved through many emotional states. What emotions has the book stirred in you so far, and why?

Thanks again for getting involved guys - really interested to hear what you thought :D

P.S. Thanks to the person that helped me with the discussion topics - mainly listening to me ramble on endlessly - I really appreciate it... You know who you are! :hugs:

Catherine S
22-07-14, 21:49
I'll start by saying how much I enjoyed reading it, and my comment on the first topic is that I do very much think their relationship is made stronger because of the common illness between them. I think he may well have fallen in love with her in different circumstances, but the illness has brought them closer because it has obviously changed their attitude to life and how to live it, and that maybe doesn't connect with people who haven't experienced this illness.


---------- Post added at 20:49 ---------- Previous post was at 20:43 ----------

Tumbleweed is passing on by here :D

22-07-14, 22:29
lol ISB, I'll need to type my response tomorrow when I can think clearly!....I WILL respond though


Catherine S
22-07-14, 22:30
lol x

22-07-14, 23:13
I'll start by saying how much I enjoyed reading it, and my comment on the first topic is that I do very much think their relationship is made stronger because of the common illness between them. I think he may well have fallen in love with her in different circumstances, but the illness has brought them closer because it has obviously changed their attitude to life and how to live it, and that maybe doesn't connect with people who haven't experienced this illness.


---------- Post added at 20:49 ---------- Previous post was at 20:43 ----------

Tumbleweed is passing on by here :D

I agree with that... I think any relationship where you have that connection with someone after having to bare all, will be strong. Most of the time people try to hide away their problems and defects as much as they can, whereas with Gus and Hazel they have been unable to avoid that from the word go.

The trip to Amsterdam was lovely, especially the trip to the Anne Frank museum :) I was always wondering whether Gus got really into AIA just to please Hazel or if he actually did love it as much as her? I like to think its the latter :)

So far the book has made me feel quite anxious and sad at times, but mainly happy and has had some real LOL moments, which I wasn't necessarily expecting (or not to that extent, at least)! I like the way Hazel and Gus deal with their illnesses and don't pretend that they are anything more or less than they are... It's easy to bury you head in the sand (something I can personally relate to!) in those situations and avoid facing your problems, so it makes me smile to hear how they talk at times (but also sad for what they are going through / have gone through).

I also want to eat at that restaurant! It sounded so picturesque :D

Catherine S
22-07-14, 23:29
Actually yes, such a great picture painted about the part of Amsterdam they visited it made me want to see it too. I can understand the sadness you felt DJ, but why the anxiety?


23-07-14, 00:04
Actually yes, such a great picture painted about the part of Amsterdam they visited it made me want to see it too. I can understand the sadness you felt DJ, but why the anxiety?


Mainly due to some of the situations they are in, which I then envisaged myself in, which made me feel a bit uneasy - especially because I know Hazel feels ill a lot of the time... Plus when she was rushed to hospital that made me feel a bit meh :blush:

One of the bits that touched me a lot was with the swing set... That made me feel really nostalgic (I also had a swing in my garden as a child) and thought it was a great symbol for how things move forwards and change for everything and everyone... Did you have any other parts that you particularly enjoyed?

Catherine S
23-07-14, 00:12
Yes, I understand about some of the iffy bits with her breathing...I found myself holding my breath sometimes as she was describing how she felt. I did enjoy the relationship Hazel Grace had with her parents...they were kind of cool.

23-07-14, 04:07
On my phone so this won't be my main post, but the swings stirred so many emotions for me! We had one as kids that my grandpa built for us and was a symbol of my childhood. So with that, the cancer and losing my own mom to it, I was a nostalgic emotional mess!! In a good way though lol if that makes sense.

---------- Post added at 23:05 ---------- Previous post was at 23:03 ----------

It also really made me take a look at my own anxiety and fear of death and how it affects my relationship with my husband. It motivated me to really try to live in the moment instead of fearing something that may or may not happen.

---------- Post added at 23:07 ---------- Previous post was at 23:05 ----------

Also I want to go to Amsterdam now. Ok I'm done for now lol!

23-07-14, 09:47
Topic 1
Do you think that the relationship between Hazel and Augustus is made stronger due to their illnesses? If so, why?

I think that the way they met made their relationship stronger…The met in support group – illness and vulnerability exposed from the start therefore taking away the pressure of leaking that bombshell…”o and I have cancer”….I think that made them more interested in the actual person more than the illness….which is lovely J

Topic 2
Hazel says: “I'm a grenade and at some point I'm going to blow up and I would like to minimize the casualties, okay?”. Is she right to think this way?

I think this can be seen in two lights…some people may see it as selfless and strong…heroic in an opposite way to Gus (who wants to do heroic things in order to be remembered)…
But also it just shows how vulnerable Hazel really is, and to be honest deep down she wants people to see her…but the thought of causing hurt whether her fault or not brings too much emotion for her to willingly accept…so she has walls up…in protection of herself…

Topic 3
We're only half way through, but the book has already moved through many emotional states. What emotions has the book stirred in you so far, and why?

My main health issue is depression, and to be honest I find myself comparing a lot of character thoughts and emotions on how I see the world….A quite from the airport when Hazel is waiting for the flight and people are staring..”The physical evidence of the disease is what separates us from other peope”…Having not had a physical illness I am slightly in awe, as with depression people think “Ah but what has she got to be depressed about”…there is no physical display to help people understand the pain…and yes, sometimes I wish I had a broken leg because people “get” that pain…
Fundamentally though this book drew me into the love story because I’m soppy like that…with love aren’t we all just nervous teenagers with all the insecurities and fears of exposing ourselves?

Wow that’s a long reply…I shall wait a bit and say more to other peoples discussion points


Just want to add...my favourite part of the book so far is when they visit the Ann Frank museum...The strength and respect shown when Hazel makes the journey up all those steps is symbolic to the struggles that life brings...Yes we may be knackered at the top....but what an achievement...oo and there is kissy wissys at the top to as a reward ;)

23-07-14, 11:35
One thing I was interested in was the superficiality of their relationship. Even though in theory it should be anything but superficial because of how they met and what they've been through, it kinda played on my mind a bit that even though Hazel is very self-conscious and worried about her appearance due to the oxygen cart etc. and also the effects long term medication has had on her, when she meets Gus she still judges him very much on his looks in the first instances...

"Look, let me just say it: He was hot. A nonhot boy stares at you relentlessly and it is, at best, awkward and, at worst, a form of assault. But a hot boy... well...".

That struck me as quite a strange thing to say from someone who is so conscious about the way they look, but then made me think that as someone who is constantly judged (mainly negatively) by their appearance, it is possibly hard for her to not do the same to others... What do you think? Obviously their relationship becomes a lot deeper than this very quickly, but I was just struck that as someone used to being negativity associated with appearing 'different', she wouldn't view other people merely as objects to be stared at. Perhaps it is just human nature and no matter what is going on with our inner (or outer) selves, we are pre-programmed to always think of people firstly on how they look and then later on how they are?

It also seemed a bit rude that she would consider a nonhot boy staring as a form of assault! She wouldn't have given Gus a chance if he hadn't been so attractive?! Be he's lovely?! :weep:

23-07-14, 15:37
One thing I was interested in was the superficiality of their relationship. Even though in theory it should be anything but superficial because of how they met and what they've been through, it kinda played on my mind a bit that even though Hazel is very self-conscious and worried about her appearance due to the oxygen cart etc. and also the effects long term medication has had on her, when she meets Gus she still judges him very much on his looks in the first instances...

"Look, let me just say it: He was hot. A nonhot boy stares at you relentlessly and it is, at best, awkward and, at worst, a form of assault. But a hot boy... well...".

That struck me as quite a strange thing to say from someone who is so conscious about the way they look, but then made me think that as someone who is constantly judged (mainly negatively) by their appearance, it is possibly hard for her to not do the same to others... What do you think? Obviously their relationship becomes a lot deeper than this very quickly, but I was just struck that as someone used to being negativity associated with appearing 'different', she wouldn't view other people merely as objects to be stared at. Perhaps it is just human nature and no matter what is going on with our inner (or outer) selves, we are pre-programmed to always think of people firstly on how they look and then later on how they are?

It also seemed a bit rude that she would consider a nonhot boy staring as a form of assault! She wouldn't have given Gus a chance if he hadn't been so attractive?! Be he's lovely?! :weep:

That's a really interesting point... I didn't even really think about it when I read it. I think that comment on her part really reminds us that she is only a 16 year old girl even though she has been through more than most adults have. And although she is mature for her age and suffers, it serves as a reminder that Hazel really is just a teenager who still cares if a boy is hot or not. I'm not saying all teens do, but maybe that was the purpose of that portion - to just remind us that this isn't adults we are dealing with, but honestly kids!

And then once we remember that they are just two kids who are still living in this awkward teenage phase, for me it makes the book that much more powerful. Adults are more equipped to handle tragedy and suffering than kids are. The adolescent brain is not matured until 25! So here are these two kids who are going through more than most adults have ever gone through in their lives. For me, it really humanizes them and makes the depth of what they are going through that much bigger.

I do get being annoyed by it though - who isn't annoyed by superficiality! :)

---------- Post added at 10:37 ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 ----------

Now that I start thinking about it, there are a lot of little moments like that to remind us that she is still just a kid in many ways - the ANTM marathon (Which I loved because I used to binge watch that show all the time and referred to it as ANTM with my friends), the skeptical eye they took at the support group, etc. I think all of those little moments were humanizing moments and reminders of the group's youth and innocence coexisting with this maturity that you can only get by going through something as serious as cancer.

23-07-14, 15:52
Superficial maybe, as swgrl says, but is that not partly down to her low self esteem as well. She doesn’t see herself as attractive at all, this is the first guy that has looked at her since she has been terminal….is part of it shock?
This book is based on Hazels thoughts...deep down in our own thoughts how much superficiality is there? Yes we may love people deep down, but I think most people will have thoughts on hot or not...even if they don't openly express it...

---------- Post added at 15:52 ---------- Previous post was at 15:49 ----------

I think all of those little moments were humanizing moments and reminders of the group's youth and innocence coexisting with this maturity that you can only get by going through something as serious as cancer.

And I think that's what makes this book so inviting

23-07-14, 15:54
That's a really interesting point... I didn't even really think about it when I read it. I think that comment on her part really reminds us that she is only a 16 year old girl even though she has been through more than most adults have. And although she is mature for her age and suffers, it serves as a reminder that Hazel really is just a teenager who still cares if a boy is hot or not. I'm not saying all teens do, but maybe that was the purpose of that portion - to just remind us that this isn't adults we are dealing with, but honestly kids!

And then once we remember that they are just two kids who are still living in this awkward teenage phase, for me it makes the book that much more powerful. Adults are more equipped to handle tragedy and suffering than kids are. The adolescent brain is not matured until 25! So here are these two kids who are going through more than most adults have ever gone through in their lives. For me, it really humanizes them and makes the depth of what they are going through that much bigger.

I do get being annoyed by it though - who isn't annoyed by superficiality! :)

---------- Post added at 10:37 ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 ----------

Now that I start thinking about it, there are a lot of little moments like that to remind us that she is still just a kid in many ways - the ANTM marathon (Which I loved because I used to binge watch that show all the time and referred to it as ANTM with my friends), the skeptical eye they took at the support group, etc. I think all of those little moments were humanizing moments and reminders of the group's youth and innocence coexisting with this maturity that you can only get by going through something as serious as cancer.

Excellent points! :)

Yeah I totally agree... Being forced to grow up prematurely, but still clinging to those moments of youth.

Definitely noticed those little reminders we get throughout; this is a 16 year old girl, who, although in many ways is more life-hardened and aware than most adults, still shows a glimmer of the insecure and immature teenager that illness has tried to take away.

23-07-14, 18:27
Topic 1

Of course it is, relationships are founded on similarities, it's just that in this situation the similarity is that both of them have cancer. The need for a crutch for both of them is apparent, even though both are strong in there own ways, i feel like the sudden way in which they both let their walls down to mean completely the opposite of what they've been portraying to the people around them. Each needs to be understood and listened to and who better to do so than someone who's going through exactly what you've been through.

Topic 2

I think in this position you have to give people the choice whether to be in the line of fire or not. As she says her parents are too invested, but then why so easily let Gus into her life!?Her inner turmoil "i felt like i was committing an act of violence against him, and i was" (sorry if not verbatim am quoting from memory), is brought to the forefront. I think this quote is made redundant by her being doing the things she said she couldn't. I'm not saying she should close herself off to people, but to me her words show the typical confusion and changeability of a teenage mind.I also feel it's kind of selfish, i prefer Gus's coping mechanisms!

Topic 3

There are a lot of places where i can compare my life with those of the characters in the books, i've been a teenage girl, so i know what it feels to crush after and be with a guy who is so dreamy and perfect that it makes your heart hurt, everything is perfect and you are slightly blinded by it all to see the reality underneath (my first love wasn't a cancer sufferer, he was just a huge douchebag!) I've also had loved ones pass from cancer, so i know how it feels to be one of those people who are hit with shrapnel, and in all honesty that part of the book annoyed me, i've lived being lied to about someones health, and it's not nice coming late to the party and finding you've missed all the best bits. It's not brave to deny someone a last chance, and i feel what John Green was trying to do in that chapter was make everyone feel how brave of a person she was. I pitied her naivity, but that kind of naivity only comes with youth, and it's hard to remember at times that they are only teenagers.

Forgot to mention, i will read everyone's points through later and join in the conversation when i have more than five minutes!

23-07-14, 19:50
Thanks Gats, that's awesome :)

Just a reminder to everyone to keep going with the book (if you haven't already)... If you can aim to finish by next Tuesday evening (29th July), please :D

23-07-14, 19:54
Topic 1 Yes I think the fact that they both had similar illnesses helped their relationship a lot. I guess it is similar to us here on NMP in that it is so much easier to talk to someone who understands what you are going through and their relationship developed from this.
Topic 2 I think I may have looked at this a bit differently to others as I see this as showing that she is caring for others and doesn't want to see them get hurt.
Topic 3. To me cancer is something very scary and frightening and I think reading the book has shown to me that in the worst case situations you can still have fun and enjoy the life you have left. Reading it was a positive experience for me (even though I shed lots of tears reading it). It has also made me want to visit Amsterdam as I have never been before. I have started looking at city breaks there :D Isn't it funny that a book which is mostly set in USA with only a couple of days in Amsterdam is making is want to go to Amsterdam and not USA :D

23-07-14, 20:38
I vote for an nmp meet in Amsterdam ;)

Catherine S
23-07-14, 20:38
Hi Annie, yes that's a different take on it for sure...the fact that it affected you more because of the HA angle, but i'm happy for you that it maybe put things into perspective a little too and lightened your HA load so to speak.

It seems we all agree about Amsterdam, we'll have to arrange to all meet up at one of our airports and go over for a few days...wouldn't that be fab!

ISB :)

23-07-14, 20:59
I vote for an nmp meet in Amsterdam ;)


Catherine S
23-07-14, 21:08
Lol, I obviously had the same idea and posted at the same time :D


23-07-14, 21:34
I vote for an nmp meet in Amsterdam ;)


23-07-14, 22:51
I vote for an nmp meet in Amsterdam ;)

Hell yes! :yesyes:

24-07-14, 01:49
I only manage to read chapter 1, its is an interesting read!, I have barely started to read chapter 2. I very much a very slow reader. all depends on the book, if its one can not put down. I know I wont be finished it by next week, I'll do my best.

sorry can not comment on the book, I would have to have it in front of me, and to read a bit of it, to be able to give a comment.

25-07-14, 09:12
I am going to be difficult and answer in stages if that is ok with everyone.

Do you think that the relationship between Hazel and Augustus is made stronger due to their illnesses? If so, why?

Think I maybe in conflict with some of the views expressed so far.

I feel that the relationship between Hazel and Augustus is based mainly on a common sense of humour, a way of seeing the world and shared hopes and aspirations. Issac and others mentioned in the book also suffer but there is no connection there.

Initially the attraction was based on looks, ie Augustus is hot and Hazel resembles his previous girlfriend. But thereafter it is their mental connection that cements the relationship.

The illness does play a part as well. Their shared connection with The Imperial Affliction is also a huge bonding tool. They both relate to the book in a big way, and as this is related to their illness it could be said that the shared illness makes their relationship stronger.

Like everything else I feel that the illness is a contributitory factor but is only part of the attraction. To attribute the illness as the sole reason for their relationship is something that Hazel and Augustus would fight against. They are after all more than their illness and they are determined not to allow their illness define who they are as people.

---------- Post added at 09:11 ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 ----------

Topic 2
Hazel says: “I'm a grenade and at some point I'm going to blow up and I would like to minimize the casualties, okay?”. Is she right to think this way?
I don’t think that it is a case of being right or wrong. It is an inevitable way of thinking and one that I am sure that we can relate to as well. To allow people to get close is to increase the guilt that Hazel already feels. She is fully aware of how much her illness has impacted on those around her.

I wonder as well if she worries that Augustus is a serial dater of dying women and that he is with her due to pity. I do love it when she tells Issac that it wasn’t fair what he did to Monica. Again I feel that this is a deep down fear that many of us share.

If she was selfish enough to want to “use” Augustus to make her feel better in the short term I don’t think that I would have connected with her the way I have.

---------- Post added at 09:12 ---------- Previous post was at 09:11 ----------

Topic 3
We're only half way through, but the book has already moved through many emotional states. What emotions has the book stirred in you so far, and why?

The love story aspect of it doesn’t appeal to me as much as the joy of watching their verbal interactions. They have connected on an emotional level but also on an intellectual level and I love their sense of humour.

There is a poignant quality to their relationship which is sweet but also very mature at the same time. Their physical relationship is very teenagy whereas their intellectual connection is much older than their years.

I have found the book to contain many CBT rules for life which I must try to put into practice, ie living the best day possible.

(please forgive my sloppy quotations, one of the disadvantages of reading the book on a kindle rather than a real paper copy.)

26-07-14, 23:16
I've read the fault in our stars and I really enjoyed it. I'm not very good at critically analysing text though so won't be very good at explaining why I liked it so much! I think it's mainly the fact that despite our situations and the difficulties we go through, despite physical and mental suffering, loss of friends and family, life carries on and people are still people. Everyone feels the same emotions and has aspirations for their life, and everyone can find laughter when there is nothing else going right. A bad situation is only as bad as you perceive it and life is unfair but that doesn't mean that small moments can't make everything worth it. If you look for the worst, the worst will find you quickly. But if you look for the best, then you'll find a way to cope and live and love and have hope. I ramble a lot haha but this book had quite an effect on me!

27-07-14, 08:25
Hi Kimberley
I think that is a lovely summary of my thoughts as I was reading.

28-07-14, 15:05
Thanks so much to everyone who got involved with commenting and sharing their thoughts; really appreciate you taking time out of your day to do so :)

So... Hopefully you will be almost finished by now and we can look towards the final discussion which - as I mentioned before - we are hoping to do 'live' as a group. I just need to know:

- What day / time works best for everyone? I am very flexible at the moment, but I know we have a few international readers, so I am guessing either late evening or weekend will be best? Please reply with which days (within the next week) you prefer and any particular time of day (morning / afternoon / evening / late night etc) that is most ideal for you.

- Where would people prefer to chat? The chat room here would unfortunately exclude anyone who uses a tablet / device other than a PC, so what about Skype (only for text typing)? I'm happy to coordinate a large group conversation on there, as long as everyone is comfortable with that (you can of course create a random email / Skype account just for Book Club, if you would rather not give out your main details).

- If Skype is ok, please reply with your username, so I can add you (or send me a private message, if you would prefer).

Let me know guys and I shall arrange :yesyes:

28-07-14, 17:23
I still think its lovely that reading is so personal....it allows someone to identify with a character or a story in such a way. I find it therapeutic as I can escape to another world, and live something through a characters eyes.

I still need to reread the last part of the book in prep for the discussion but am on nights again for a few shifts. I live discussion would be cool...I'm free any evening after 20.45 (UK) time...or different days depending on the week (this week is Thursday, Friday, and Saturday afternoon)

Look forward to the next discussion topics :)

29-07-14, 20:56
Hi again guys... So a few of you have now given me your Skype details - thanks for that... I just need to know when everyone is available to meet up for the group discussion?

I can do any day this week (at virtually any time) other than Saturday.

Thanks! :)

29-07-14, 21:28
Anytime is good for me x

30-07-14, 00:38
My availability is really limited due to work and time zone difference, so don't worry about me when planning. Hope you guys enjoy :)

30-07-14, 13:34
OK... So a few discussion topics before we move into the group discussion... Look forwards to hearing what you guys thought :)

Topic 1
What did you make of Gus hiding his illness from Hazel... Was that the right thing to do?

Topic 2
Hazel (and Gus) hate(d) the stereotypical eulogies and comments made about someone after they pass away... Do you agree with this? Should people be more honest?

Topic 3
The book has many ups and downs... Which part made you happiest and which part made you saddest and why?

Thanks guys!

30-07-14, 17:52
Topic 1
What did you make of Gus hiding his illness from Hazel... Was that the right thing to do?

Depends on which side you look at it from. To find out that you do not have much time will start a grieving process for that person…and at the end of the day if Gus wanted to enjoy a sympathy free holiday with the person he loves before the whole world changes for him then who are we to judge?
There is also the trust thing though, because as we find out, Hazel deals with the news better than most other people…she sticks with him, and they continue to enjoy their little quirky conversations and views on life.
For Hazel…I think she understood…because maybe she knows it is probably something she would do…and can see a lot of what he is feeling as she has felt it herself, so yes she was a little hurt that he didn’t share straight away…but his reasons were pure.

Topic 2
Hazel (and Gus) hate(d) the stereotypical eulogies and comments made about someone after they pass away... Do you agree with this? Should people be more honest?It’s that thing about grief again…people deal with it differently. Hazel was in a unique (and unfortunate) situation that she had thought about death and the effect it has on others…so again I think she understands what people need maybe more than they do. I personally don’t like funerals…because they try to involve every that was involved in a persons life…we all change , and the longer we live the more people we encounter and share experiences with. Experiences shared can be personal and time specific…so like with the friends from school and basketball…yes by the time gus died heh hated basketball….but when he played he probably felt in his limelight, and shared happy memories with those who played with him.
So yea…honesty is a tough one…and funerals are naff anyway..

Topic 3
The book has many ups and downs... Which part made you happiest and which part made you saddest and why?The parts that made me smile the most were probably when Hazel, Gus and Issac were all together….that group of personalities just worked and their honest but funny outlook on things always made me smile…because they were all going through thing that no teenager could go through…and their honesty made others feel uncomfortable…but together…they were able to bounce off each other and express themselves….that was lovely to see.
The saddest point for me was the prefuneral leading to the death of Gus…I think it was written well as it happened so quick taking my emotions with it (yes I cried)….I knew that it was coming, yet the shock of death was still there…as it is in real life..

I really enjoyed this book and have also been to cinema to see the film (which I also liked)….long may book club take me to new levels of thought and conclusions…

31-07-14, 02:50
What did you make of Gus hiding his illness from Hazel... Was that the right thing to do?

I think in this case, it was the right thing to do. She was able to really enjoy living in the moment with him. He told her after, so he didn't really hide it until the end. At the same time, I also thought it was interesting that when Hazel wanted to protect him from her illness, he said he was committed and in it. However, it seemed like for a brief time he did not give Hazel the chance to do the same. I think I still have to think about this for a little. I'd like to see what others say.

Hazel (and Gus) hate(d) the stereotypical eulogies and comments made about someone after they pass away... Do you agree with this? Should people be more honest?

I think they acted this way for a couple reasons ... one of which being their age and immaturity, another being a way of possibly lightening this very real fate for them. If they make jokes about it, maybe it feels more distant and less real.

The book has many ups and downs... Which part made you happiest and which part made you saddest and why?

Happiest - When they had dinner in Amsterdam (obviously!!) ... I did have a sense of foreboding because there were hints that Gus was in pain, but it was nice seeing them have their dream come true.

Saddest - Two parts come to mind:

The first was when Gus and Hazel realized what a jerk Peter Van Houten was (although eventually sort of redeemed?). The book was sooo central to their bond and this was something that both of them had dreamed about. So that was sad for me, especially when the two of them had to walk out of his home.

But honestly, the other saddest part was the end where the book details Gus's declining health. Especially when Hazel finds Gus in his car at the gas station. It hit really hard for me personally because it brought up the memories of my mom dying of cancer. I'm sure people who have lost loved ones to cancer can attest - it is not pretty, it is not graceful. It tears your heart out to watch somebody lose their dignity and fade away literally into nothing. So maybe it struck a cord with me a little too much. But I appreciated that the book did not sugar coat it, like some do. It was very real.

31-07-14, 08:54
Topic 1
What did you make of Gus hiding his illness from Hazel... Was that the right thing to do?
As has already been said this was a once in a lifetime trip for them both. I am not surprised that Gus hid his illness until it was over. I don’t feel that ithere is any right or wrong about it, he did what he felt was best, both for himself and for Hazel. They are both experienced in covering up the extent of their hurt and their fear that his behavior was only to be expected.
Topic 2
Hazel (and Gus) hate(d) the stereotypical eulogies and comments made about someone after they pass away... Do you agree with this? Should people be more honest?
On this I couldn’t agree more. I hate the social platitudes that are meant to rule our lives. Why should someone become a hero simply because they are dead. It happens to us all so in itself does not make us special. If you love someone show them while they are alive and don’t wait for them to die to decide that they were special. The fought bravely etc is a load of tosh from people who don’t really know the person involved. This differs from supporting people who were close to the dead person. I believe that there is a huge difference. And yes people should be honest. Nothing wrong with being polite but there is no need for people being two faced and false.

Topic 3
The book has many ups and downs... Which part made you happiest and which part made you saddest and why?
I too enjoyed the dinner in Amsterdam but the bit that really tickled me was the discussion regarding scrambled egg being consigned forever to being a breakfast food. It is the kind of nonsense that appeals to me and one that I could run with for quite a while.
The saddest part I think was Issac having a meltdown in the basement. Although Gus dying etc was extremely sad I feel that at least it was all over for him and Hazel has the tools to cope. Issac however was in such a wretched state that nothing and no one could reach him. Perhaps I am sad that chances are that he will live on.

31-07-14, 16:26
Topic 1
What did you make of Gus hiding his illness from Hazel... Was that the right thing to do?

I agree with everyone else; on this occasion I would most likely have done what Gus did (not that I really have a clue about what he was going through at the time). I mean, we've all said we felt fine for someone else's sake in the past, haven't we? And sadly for him, it was maybe the one last time he knew he could spend a happy time with just him and Hazel (and her mum :)), without their illnesses looming over them and dictating their lives (although obviously it always loomed over them - and even more so for Gus at this particular time).

Topic 2
Hazel (and Gus) hate(d) the stereotypical eulogies and comments made about someone after they pass away... Do you agree with this? Should people be more honest?
On this I couldn’t agree more. I hate the social platitudes that are meant to rule our lives. Why should someone become a hero simply because they are dead. It happens to us all so in itself does not make us special. If you love someone show them while they are alive and don’t wait for them to die to decide that they were special. The fought bravely etc is a load of tosh from people who don’t really know the person involved. This differs from supporting people who were close to the dead person. I believe that there is a huge difference. And yes people should be honest. Nothing wrong with being polite but there is no need for people being two faced and false.

^ This ^ Sorry to be lazy, but I totally agree with Elen here.

Topic 3
The book has many ups and downs... Which part made you happiest and which part made you saddest and why?

There were a lot of great moments and a lot of sad ones, but I have to give an obvious answer and say that for me, the final pages of the book - where Hazel reads Gus's letter to Van Houten - contained both the happiest and saddest elements, in my opinion. Hazel had one final moment with Gus and his summary of how and why he loved her so much was incredibly moving - one of these happy/sad moments where you laugh and cry at the same time (at least I did!). To see how much he loved her and she him was very powerful, but very tragic at the same time, knowing that they could never see how far it would lead them.

03-08-14, 14:56
Hi guys... Very short notice (my fault!), but would you all be around for the group discussion at 7.30pm this evening, on Skype?

03-08-14, 15:08

03-08-14, 15:24
cya then

03-08-14, 19:22
sorry I wont be around. will try for next time.

04-08-14, 11:56
OK guys, so the time has come to move onto book number two... Do we have anyone here that particularly wants to choose the next book?

Be great if we can have the choice sorted by tomorrow, so we can begin reading by the start of next week :D


06-08-14, 19:16
Book 2 The Great Gatsby

This literary classic is one of my personal favourites (go figure!) and i'm sure you all will enjoy it. I think this can raise some great discussions/debates and i look forward to reading it with y'all!!!

Now luckily this can be downloaded free on Amazon.


It should be available in any library, and can be picked up for pennies in most bookstores!

I will update about which chapter to read to and when to read it by later on!!!

06-08-14, 19:19
Fantastic... Many thanks Gats :)

If you can all aim to have sourced the book by Tuesday next week, we can get going. Looking forwards to it :yesyes:

06-08-14, 20:46
Thanks Gat
I have my copy ready to go

06-08-14, 20:58
Nice, glad it's available on Amazon. I read it back in high school, but was rushed and hardly paid attention so it will be nice to actually read it this time around! Hah

06-08-14, 21:05

06-08-14, 22:48
downloaded, will try bit better this time to read more of the chapters.

07-08-14, 02:20
My copy is in the post as we speak :)

07-08-14, 07:42
Have just downloaded it too. Had no idea you can get a Kindle app for the iPad, so thanks Gatsby! :yahoo: x

11-08-14, 18:31
Just thought i'd post that i think it's best if we keep this read to one week. It's a short book (188 pages) and is pointless spreading over two weeks. If any objections, please state!!

Hope you guys enjoy the book!!

---------- Post added at 18:31 ---------- Previous post was at 18:26 ----------

Have just downloaded it too. Had no idea you can get a Kindle app for the iPad, so thanks Gatsby! :yahoo: x

The Kindle app for the iPad is a godsend, so much better than ibooks! You're welcome!! (Even though i'm not entirely sure how i helped you figure out there was an app!?!?! lol)

11-08-14, 18:38

11-08-14, 19:54

Lol, there's always one!!

I surmise most people will read it in one sitting, only takes a couple of hours, if that to read.

Make sure to have another read of it Elen before the discussion, if you haven't already. After rereading it almost everyday for a week, i still found bits i missed and overlooked originally!!

11-08-14, 20:01
I definitely will need to read it again before commenting on any discussion.

19-08-14, 13:27
It's been a week, i hope everyone has enjoyed reading the book, i will post the discussion questions tonight if that's okay!?

19-08-14, 20:55

Righteo guys instead of asking questions, i just want you to tell me your feelings on the book. I'll just add a few discussion points that you might find helpful in answering (They are unstructured questions really, i just couldn't be bothered to type any more, lol.)

Favourite Charachter
Least Favourite Charachter
Most Standout Moment
Most Shocking Moment
Did The Charachters Deserve What Happened To Them
Was It Relatable To You At All
Is It Still Relevant

20-08-14, 17:04
My Favourite character has changed somewhat throughout the years but 90% of the time it’s Gatsby. Here is a man who blinded by love pursues everything he has ever imagined and more, he has almost fulfilled the American dream and triumphed where many wanted to and failed. He deserves his spot on West Egg. Regardless of how he did this, yes those with strict morals would say that he doesn't deserve what he has because the way he gained it was dishonest. But surely what he has amassed deserves some admiration.
I like Gatsby most of all for his flaws, his naivety is what stands out the most, and lends perfectly to his tragic hero title. I sympathise with Gatsby, I have been him. No not a male gangster wannabe, but someone who decides to change everything about themselves to fit a “better” purpose, and found out too late that it was all a waste, an illusion, that dreams can easily turn into nightmares. Most importantly, that regardless of what you do, right or wrong, life can end up leaving you face down in a pool.

Least favourite characters have to be Tom and Daisy, I cannot and will not ever like these two people. The way they are written makes you just about want to punch them in the face. Yes I have felt sorry for both characters sometimes. Tom with his breaking Myrtles nose. I know violence is never the answer, but in that moment you see a side to Tom that is never shown in the book again. He wants his mistress to stop saying his wife’s name, showing somewhere deep inside he regrets what he’s doing.
Daisy of course for having to put up with Tom. In those days they were more than likely thrown together to strengthen family ties, but she could have dropped everything and had Gatsby from the very beginning, but he wasn’t rich enough for her, she is a true East Egger, she was used to a life he could not provide, so therefore was kicked to the curb.

The most shocking moment for me had to be Tom facepalming Myrtle. The first few reads it didn't register, I just thought him to be a bigger d*ck than he already was, but after reflection it dawned that of course every action has a reason, and there are two sides to it, maybe he did just fancy giving her a slap ( I seriously wouldn’t judge him there, what a horrid human being she was) but then there’s the reason I stated above, I like to think it’s the latter, he has to have some kind of redeeming quality right!?

Most stand out moment of course is Gatsby’s death, I wasn't shocked by it I believe Gatsby was as good as dead before Wilson shot him, his life had lost all meaning ‘material without meaning’. What once was ever so important now did not matter anymore. The green light no longer symbolised hope and future, but loss of people and time. I find his death to be unjust but a relief, his dream unfulfilled and his heart in shreds maybe it was best he took a bullet from another’s gun, because I believe if Wilson had not shot him, he would have taken his own life. Which would have been horrid as he did not deserve to suffer in such a way.

I will finish up later!!!!

How is everyone else getting on!?!?!!?

---------- Post added at 17:04 ---------- Previous post was at 17:03 ----------

I didnt realise the Great Gatsby was a book! Thank you for bringing this to my attention :P, cause the film was brilliant

No problemo, if you follow the link a page or so back, you can download the book, via kindle/kindle app for free!!!

20-08-14, 23:30
Bah, haven't had time to finish this week with being sick. I will get on it.

21-08-14, 11:12
Hey, I'm really sorry guys but I havent read it yet :( . I've been going through a rough time and am finding it hard to concentrate for long periods...so I'm currently half way through chapter 1 :s

My next day off is Sunday...I shall attempt it again then

21-08-14, 16:10
Here goes...

As for my favourite and least favourite character in the book, I'm not sure that I can really give a definitive answer, because at various stages I liked and disliked most of them in one way or another (although definitely disliked, a lot more than liked!); their falsity and materialistic ways shone through, which I found quite grating - I realise that this is one of the key focuses of the story, with the electronic, 'modern' (and therefore, more superficial) era of America - and the fickle nature of their emotions, friendships and love affairs was hurtful to one another and others around them.

Daisy's weakness in turning away from Gatsby in the face of Tom's forcefulness, was a startling and unsettling point - she came across as the typical rich girl who had it all and yet wanted more; to have her cake and eat it, so to speak. In many ways, I hope that it was the threat of Tom that forced her away from Gatsby, rather than the fact that perhaps he couldn't offer her the secure and wealthy life she was accustomed to (not that the threat of Tom is a good thing, but it would raise my opinions of Daisy, if that were the case). In many ways, I believe the parties that Gatsby arranged in the hope of Daisy attending, summed up the very nature of her 'love' for him: all glamour and attraction on the surface, but forever underlined by the realities that it was a fleeting thing and something that could, and would, never be in the sobering light of day, when confronted with the black and white choice of Gatsby, or her current life.

The book is still incredibly relevant today, with society's thirst for a 'quick fix' and the shallowness of relationships, that the social media world has brought about (I write, whilst discussing a book with a bunch of people I met online!). Celebrity culture is ever-present, and we still place people onto pedestals, that present them as perfect icons to follow, when underneath they are inevitably as human and flawed as we are - sometimes more so - due to the wealth, fame and power they weald.... Tom is a perfect example of this - he appears to be the American Dream... Physically gifted and a decorated sportsman, with wealth and status, yet burdened by less than intelligent logic and a chauvinistic streak, with which he feels he can act and do as he pleases - leading to adulterous and violent episodes.

I found it a tough read at times - I re-read certain parts several times, to try and fully grasp the meaning, but overall I really enjoyed the book! It was great, Gatsby ;)

Catherine S
21-08-14, 19:37
I'm only sorry that I had to miss out on this one due to family problems and having to go away for part of it, because it sounds like a good read so will take the time to read it in the future just for my own pleasure.


21-08-14, 22:19
I've not manage to read it, only first couple of pages, not manage to stay focus long enough.

plus not been well. will try and read some of it this evening.

26-08-14, 19:15
Hi guys... Hope you all enjoyed The Great Gatsby - thanks again to our very own (great) Gatsby for choosing the book and setting some discussion topics - it is really appreciated!

The time has come to move onto our next book... The lovely Elen has volunteered to choose this for us... Over to you, Elen! (Thanks! :))

26-08-14, 19:48

The next book for us to read is Enders Game by Orson-Scott Card.
Although its set in a Sci Fi environment the story is more to do with feeling out of place, something I am sure that we can all relate to and it should appeal to those who do not necessarily normally read Sci Fi.

Here is the link to amazon. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Enders-Game-Ender-Orson-Scott/dp/0356500845/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1409077024&sr=1-1&keywords=enders+game

The book is part of a series and I must get the next one downloaded and read.

Hope you all enjoy


ps I would avoid reading the foreword as I found it to be lengthy and a bit pretentious.

26-08-14, 19:53
Thanks, Elen - so if everyone can aim to have sourced the book by next Tuesday (2nd September), we can begin reading :)

26-08-14, 20:04
Ooooh great choice Elen, it's been on my list of must reads for a while!!

Looking forward to reading it!!!

Catherine S
26-08-14, 20:16
Ordered and on its way :D Its not a book I would have chosen personally for myself, but that's what book clubs are all about...stretching the wisdom yes? Look forward to being stretched!


26-08-14, 20:33
ISB I have to agree it is not a book I would have chosen either, but it was given to me as a gift.

I was very surprised as to how quickly I got into it and how much I enjoyed it.

Hopefully you will find it a good read.

30-08-14, 02:08
Sounds good, been really busy this week but hopefully will be able to read this one.

02-09-14, 18:55
Hi guys, hopefully by now you will have all managed to get hold of a copy of the book and can start reading (if you haven't already!).

We're aiming to have the book done and dusted within two weeks (finishing on Tuesday 16th September), when Elen will post some discussion topics for everyone to respond to.

Hope you enjoy the book and I look forwards to seeing what everyone makes of it :)

Catherine S
02-09-14, 21:01
Hi DJ, hope all's well in your world.

Ive had an email today telling me that amazon had a problem with processing my credit card so had to do the transaction again...quite why they took so long to tell me I don't know, but it means i'll have to wait another few days for delivery...I don't have a Kindle so have to wait for the books to be delivered, but hopefully it won't put me too far behind :)


03-09-14, 04:49
Well, I have a hard time reading actual pages because I lose concentration super easily... my solution that I just though of... I just downloaded the audiobook for Ender's Game. I'm not a big reader. I did see the movie but I'm really interested in what the book has vs the movie - which is probably A LOT MORE content and description! I guess it's not techhhnically reading? Still - I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Here goes book #2 for me. :D

03-09-14, 05:55
Hi DJ, hope all's well in your world.

Ive had an email today telling me that amazon had a problem with processing my credit card so had to do the transaction again...quite why they took so long to tell me I don't know, but it means i'll have to wait another few days for delivery...I don't have a Kindle so have to wait for the books to be delivered, but hopefully it won't put me too far behind :)


Have you got a tablet ISB? There is an Android app you can download if so. Isn't there any free Kindle converters out there?

All the best.

03-09-14, 07:28
ISB You can download a kindle app onto your smart phone or pc but I am sure that you will catch up.

Falling Star, I am sure that we will not have a problem with an audio version, just hope that you enjoy.

Catherine S
03-09-14, 11:06
Thanks Terry, yes I do use a tablet as well as my old laptop and my son suggested the app too, the only downside is that I don't get long before I have to plug the tablet in to charge again...only a matter of hours really, compared to days or even weeks with some of the newer e-readers. But there's one on my Christmas list this year for sure :D


07-09-14, 20:46
Just finished it today! I really liked it!

14-09-14, 20:48
Hey all, i'm about half way through, it's my day off Wednesday so will get it read then!!!

P.S. Where are you all, really missing you on chat!!!

14-09-14, 20:55
Hi Gat

Great stuff, I should get the discussion points posted on Tuesday.

Have to confess I am now on the second book of the series and really enjoying it too.

Will try to get into chat soon, nice to know some one is missing me lol, miss you too honey.

14-09-14, 20:58
Yaaay you're alive!!!!

Of course you're missed, it feels like everyone's left us, the 'gang' is nearly memberless!!!

Hurry back!!!

19-11-14, 18:27
sorry I do not read as fast as everyone here. you all have finished the book before I have started to read, then you are all have put your views up.

I decided to leave the book reading to you beautiful people, I'll just read the comments you all made about the books.

I'm a very slow reader. it was fun, thought. thank you. this has encouraged me to read a bit more than I did. very much appreciated thanks.:hugs: