View Full Version : Have to have a mammogram and ultrasound

09-07-14, 03:27
I went to my Ob/gyn appointment to let him check my left nipple (have a white spot and tenderness/redness). I fully expected him to say it was a blocked milk duct (even though I'm not breastfeeding, I've read that it can happen). He did an exam and kept asking me questions. Then he said, "While I don't feel a lump, I feel a nodular density under that nipple." He then said I needed a mammogram and ultrasound and he was referring me to a breast specialist.

They are having me go in thursday. I am terrified.

09-07-14, 17:58
The fact that they are sending you for further tests doesn't mean they think there is anything serious to worry about. The same happened with me and I had a mammogram and ultrasound and everything was fine. It is always best to get it checked just to be sure.