View Full Version : Gluten Poisoning

09-07-14, 07:33
Thought I'd tell you about what happened to me since Sunday (6 July).

As a weekly treat, every Sunday I go for gluten free fish & chips, and last Sunday was no exception. Also due to other circumstances, I had to be by myself for a day, which is not a problem, but I didn't eat as well as I should have, I ended up eating too many bags of Tesco's hand cooked ready salted crisps.

I'd been for my fish & chips at 12 noon and enjoyed it, then, about 2 hours later, polished off a big bag of crisps. About 3pm I became aware that something was not right down below and needed to go to the bathroom rather quick.

So, there I am, in pain and sweating badly (mainly because of the pain) but eventually I mange to get myself sorted. I suspected I'd eaten some gluten, but my usual reaction to that is to get a bloated stomach, which I hadn't got this time.

Went to bed Sunday night, but then got up really early because I couldn't sleep, but I eventually went back. When I did get up I felt like I'd ben hit by a bus. My head was swimmy, my joints were aching and I felt like I'd had all my energy sucked out of me, I literally felt like a lead weight.

Tuesday morning, and I still felt the same, but I also noticed I was doing my sighing, as I needed to keep taking a deep breath. I helped a friend move a camp bed mattress into her shed and I was heavy breathing that much I ended up with a panic attack. Thankfully I was able to control it, but it was a classic attack for me when I got out of breath. All yesterday I felt heavy and weak.

Anyway, come this morning and I feel back to normal. My energy has returned and I'm not sighing anymore and I'm relaxed again.

It seems if I accidently eat gluten it affects me really badly for a good two days. Just goes to show, once again, that gluten is my main problem. I was puzzled though, as I usually get a bloated stomach VERY quickly, but I hadn't this time.

As for where I ate the gluten, there's is nothing that I can positively put my finger on. There shouldn't be gluten in a packet of plain crisps. The only thing I do suspect is the batter on the fish. They seemed to have changed it last Sunday and I'm wondering if it might be that. There's nothing else obvious as I keep to a very strict gluten free diet.

Hope this is of some help to someone, thought I'd let you know.

Have a good day.

09-07-14, 13:20
No one here is a doctor but it sounds more like you got a stomach bug. Glad you're feeling better.

Positive thoughts

09-07-14, 16:44
If it was a stomach bug I would not have wanted to eat, but I was eating well, just I had no energy.

I know my own body. Sadly, no-one seems to want to accept this could be a problem for them.

09-07-14, 17:44
I have a similar reaction if I eat foods with a high fat content. I would never be able to eat a big bag of crisps and have to restrict myself to very few chips.

10-07-14, 10:20
I think I may need to apologise. Seems I did have a big, but not a stomach bug. My friend seems to have come down with the same thing, she feels exactly as I do.

Have to say, that I did have the symptoms of going to the toilet and the gut pain, so it all "looked" like it pointed to Gluten.

Obviously, you can get ill from a lot more things than Gluten. Still, it never hurts to eliminate things first.