View Full Version : Brain fog and dizzyness, how long experiences

09-07-14, 10:11

I have been taking 20mg for 5 weeks and it seems to slowly begin working. I have no head pressure anymore and the general feeling is starting to get better.

However i have been experiencing brain fog/dizzyness and it can been timed 1-2 hours from taking the pill. It will fade during the day and evenings i feel rather normal. This is the 4th time on cit and i believe i havent had this se before.

Did any of you experience similar? How long did it take to go away?

09-07-14, 19:14
Hi Jubnut,
Brain Fog and Dizziness is a symptom of Anxiety. It is one of the common symptoms of the Anxiety and I believe that some medication can cause this side effect at the beginning and will then eventually calm down. The point is; it may be a new anxiety symptom that you are experiencing or the meds that you are taking or even a combination of the two. Either way, it will eventually calm down and don't worry, you are not going to pass out or faint, it is just a feeling that you are experiencing.
I had this for some time, but it has completely gone now.:)

09-07-14, 19:40
Thanks Carnation :)

It feels just weird as i have never felt this before. I need to stop worrying about it and let the meds do their thing. HA just raises all these annoying questions that is there something wrong inside my head :)

Hopefully in the next weeks i should done with the side effects.

10-07-14, 21:54
I had this the first time i was on Cit, it wasn't nice but you are right when you say you need to try and stop worrying and let them work! There is nothing wrong, just your bosy adjusting to the drugs again :)

I havent had it 2nd time round on cit so far...really hoping it doesnt come around again!

11-07-14, 12:33
I had this too but it eased after a while...was my 3rd time on Cit and never experienced before so it felt very weird.

11-07-14, 20:06
Thanks Laura1989 and Marty_67!

This isn't my first time on cit too, that's what worried me abit. Never had this SE before. Do You remember how long it took for it to go away?

It's now been 5 weeks and 1 day. Brain fog seems to go away but the slight dizzyness remains. Its not like serious vertigo, it just feels that if im not careful i might fall or something. I have never fainted in my life and i plan to stay that way :)

i read that cit actually lowers blood sugar. My food intake has always been bad, not diabetic, but i rarely eat well at morning. I eat like apple or so before main dinner and it could be because of this that the cit has so drastic effect on me during the day. After dinner in the evenings i tend to feel better. I just have to force myself to eat abit more if that helps...

11-07-14, 23:11
It took a while, maybe 2-3 months...get the odd touch now but not very often at all

---------- Post added at 23:11 ---------- Previous post was at 23:10 ----------

Eating definitely helped me but was not good for my diet! I seem to crave sugar these days!

12-07-14, 00:59
Yes, it does take about 2-3 months and it definitely helps if you eat more. Try to lay off the strong coffee if you can, it aggravated my Anxiety. Believe it or not, it just disappears completely. Hang on in there.:)

12-07-14, 08:42
2 to 3 months, phew. Well i just hake to hang in there, thanks for the both of You :)

Carnation, i actually quit coffee altogether couple of weeks ago as it seems to make me more anxious. One cup here and there but i still shouldnt as it really makes me feel bad. Its just good :blush: smoking is still something in my todo list, but one demon at a a time.

Its funny but it seems that every time i get older and start cit, it seems to have more side effects and take longer to affect me. My brain should stop resisting :D

14-07-14, 01:31
Ughh I been on celexa for 13 days I feel like I am stuck in a dream it feels like a dream!! I cant even go outside my house or room I feel scare I am on celexa 10 mg zypreza 2.5 and trazadone 50 mg and I dont dee no good effects ughh help me

14-07-14, 09:25
I know how you feel robertjr. I had the same kind of experience two weeks in. All i can say it will slowly get better. Its still early to say it isnt working, those meds take long time to work.

Just try to focus on something else as it makes it better. Hard i know, i didnt want to leave the bed when i had that.

For me the dizziness is, i think, starting to go away. It is still there alomg with the slight brain fog but isnt that bad anymore. Hopefully it will pass with time completely.

So robertjr, there is light at the end of the tunnel, hang in there and just remember those are side effects, nothing sinister :)

14-07-14, 23:12
I am glad meds are working for you!!!! I feel awfull am alnost on week two I feel really anxius scare super spaceout sometimes I think its, just a dream and all this isnt real